The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 845: The Old Immortal with 0 Hands

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Although Sha'er was not optimistic about Su Yu, his attitude was still very kind.

Her status in Tianya Auction House is very low, and she is only qualified to distribute leaflets on the street, and also recruit warriors who consign treasures.

Tianya Auction House is the largest auction house in the city. There are countless warriors who voluntarily come to consign and sell things every day. Generally speaking, those who really own a lot of treasure will go directly to Tianya City. It is very rare that they will be wooed halfway like Su Yu.

Therefore, the warriors recruited in this way rarely have treasures that are valued by Tianya Auction House.

Sha'er blindly woos warriors like this, but in fact, there is almost no return. He only meets once or twice a year, and the reward he gets from the auction house is only a spar.

Even so, Shaer still enjoys doing it and perseveres.

A spar is a huge wealth for a lowly poor like her.

"It's good for the old man to be confident. Even if he fails to satisfy the appraiser, please don't be discouraged. Apart from our Tianya Auction House, there are three other auction houses in the city that are not inferior to ours. Maybe you can try your luck." Definitely." Sha'er pursed her lips and smiled.

In such a huge Tianya City, of course there will not be only one auction.

Apart from the Tianya Auction House, there are three other auction houses from the Dongtianfu area and Zhongzhou. Although the grade is not as high as the Tianya Auction House, they are still first-class large auction houses.

As for the background of Tianya Auction House, it is a bit mysterious, no one can tell its origin, but it is able to occupy Tianya City, which shows that the background is absolutely deep and incomparable.

"Hehe." Su Yu smiled, he had great confidence in Refining Heart Hongchen Liquid, and believed that it would never let him down.

Half an hour later, Sha'er led Su Yu into the back hall of the auction house and came to a row of stone houses.

There was a long queue in front of each stone house, each led by a clerk like Sha'er, and entered the stone house one by one.

"In every stone house, there is an appraiser. They have very rich experience, have appraised countless treasures in their lives, and rarely miss it. Warriors enter it, explain the reason, and take out the consigned items for them to appraise. As long as they are approved, It can be submitted to our great appraiser for final appraisal, and if the great appraiser also approves, it can finally go to the auction stage! On the auction stage, the price of the item is often raised by more than 30%, and any warrior hopes that his treasure Selected."

Sha'er chooses a stone house with few queues,

Waited quietly, and said in a low voice: "Let's do the appraisal in the hands of this appraiser. Most of the appraisers have bad tempers. When we enter the room later, we must not provoke them, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

Generally speaking, appraisers are relatively arrogant, because they have a vision that ordinary people don't know, and they feel superior to others. In addition, Tianya Auction House adds a bit of halo to their status, and their temper is inevitably bad.

"I understand." Su Yu expressed his understanding.

It took another half an hour to wait. The appraiser in this stone house appraised very quickly, almost twice as fast as other appraisers.

Judging from the expressions of the warriors who came out, none of them had a good-looking complexion, and some were faintly angry, obviously irritated.

"This appraiser seems easy to get along with." Su Yu smiled slightly.

Sha'er frowned her beautiful eyebrows: "With such a quick identification method, could it be that what we met was an old fairy with thousands of hands?"

Seeing Sha'er's expression was different, Su Yu asked, "This thousand-handed old fairy, what's the problem?"

Sha'er shook his head hesitantly: "Of course there is no problem, it's just that this thousand-handed old fairy is famous for his high vision, and the treasures he appraised are rarely selected. In the hands of the master, it is possible to be favored, but in his hands, there is no bright future."

"Many warriors hate him very much. I came here in a hurry just now, and I didn't inquire clearly in time. Let's change him immediately." Sha'er bit his lips.

Although in her opinion, no matter which appraiser gave Su Yu's elixirs, there was no chance of being favored.

But he still tried his best and thought of Su Yu.

"Hehe, Miss Sha'er has a heart. It's good to be liked by the old fairy Qianshou. It doesn't matter if you don't like it. It's because my treasure is not as good as others, so I can't blame him." Su Yu shook his head with a smile.

"Next!" The stone house opened, and a young man with a face full of embarrassment came out, and at the same time, there was a faint cold snort.

Su Yu smiled at Sha'er: "Wait for me a moment."

After speaking, he stepped into the stone house.

The door of the stone house was then closed, and at the same time a layer of restraint surged, the outside world could not understand the situation inside the stone house at all.

The stone house is brightly lit, even brighter than the outside world.

An old man with a pointed face was sitting casually in front of the stone table, staring at Su Yu indifferently, and mechanically said: "Take out the consignment items."

The attitude is blunt, which is really not good.

Near the viewing stone table, it is easy to see some poured red powder or materials, among which there are many precious things, and there are many types.

It looks like some treasures were swept away violently and accidentally spilled.

Su Yu nodded, and silently took out a jade box from his bosom, which was purple in color, dreamy and beautiful.

This product is the failed heart-refining mortal liquid, which is considered a defective product, not as strong as 60% of the successful product.

"This is what I want to consign, a elixir, please have a look." Su Yu gently placed it on the stone table.

The old fairy Qianshou hadn't looked at it carefully, but heard that it was a kind of elixir, and frowned first: "It's not a rare and precious elixir, but I dare to get it to the Tianya Auction House! I despise people who are lucky."

Su Yu didn't get angry, and stood quietly on one side, turning a deaf ear to his complaints.

The old fairy Qianshou complained and complained, but still followed his duty and opened the jade box to test the potency of the medicine.

As soon as it was opened, a refreshing fragrance came to the nostrils.

The old fairy Qianshou frowned slightly: "The pill for nourishing the mind and calming the heart?"

The defective Danxiang is not pure. If you don't check it carefully, you will only think it is refreshing. Only when you feel it carefully, you will find that the Danxiang affects the soul! !

The old fairy Qianshou took out a drop of elixir expressionlessly, and put it on a precise magic weapon for testing. After a long while, the old fairy Qianshou said: "There is also the power of the medicine to improve the cultivation of flying immortals in the middle stage. Taken together, it can be used together. Restoring the mind and calming the mind, secondly, it can improve the cultivation base, and it belongs to the compound type of elixir."

In a short moment, he saw the double medicinal power of Refining Hongchen Liquid, which is not mediocrity.

It's just that the detection method was very impatient, and Danxiang was not investigated deeply, which led to a misjudgment.

In the final analysis, he looked down on Su Yu's Heart Refining Hongchen Liquid and fell into it, so he didn't check it carefully. No wonder his detection speed was more than double that of other appraisers.

"Combined, it is a medium-level panacea-level cultivation-enhancing pill with other effects. It is not bad among the same-level pills." The old fairy Qianshou raised his head and said lightly: "However, one serving Do you dare to show the old man the defective pill liquid that failed to be refined?"

"Take your things and get lost!" The old fairy Qianshou snorted, swung his sleeves, and swept the jade box off the stone table.

The anger in Su Yu's eyes flashed away, and he grabbed the jade box that was about to fall in time.

Even though it was caught, two drops still splashed out and fell on the side of the stone table among the sundries on the ground.

Now Su Yu understands why there are so many various precious materials or pill powder scattered around his stone table.

I finally understood why so many people left with anger.

This so-called thousand-handed old fairy is more than just a temper tantrum? It's obvious that you are domineering and give people a face.

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