"Why are you so ignorant?" The enchanting pavilion master was angry.

Su Yu smiled: "Pavilion Master's heart, Su Mou will keep it in mind, I must go this time, please tell Pavilion Master."

For some reason, Pavilion Master Enchanting heard something else, as if Su Yu was going away.

Seeing Su Yu's determination, the enchanting pavilion master could only choose to give up and persuade him: "Forget it, the task may not fall on you, and it's good for you to die."

As she spoke, she took out a jade pendant, said a few words to the jade pendant, which was Su Yu's name, and then molded it.

"I have already sent a message to Master Ghost, and tomorrow there will be disciples of Master Ghost who will come to take you there." The enchanting pavilion master said: "Besides you, the other disciples who signed up are Gongsun Wuxie. And Bing Wuxin, you can go there together tomorrow."

The two of them signed up too? Su Yu frowned.

"Thank you, Pavilion Master." Su Yu bowed, thought for a while, and presented ten bottles of Heart Refining Hongchen Liquid before leaving: "Pavilion Master, please accept it, it is my gratitude to Pavilion Master for his long-term care."

In the outer sect, the enchanting pavilion master took good care of him, and personally recommended Su Yu to join the right palace master's camp.

The Heart Refining Hongchen Liquid is of course useless to her cultivation, but it should be worth a lot of crystals if sold on the Zongmen black market.

The enchanting pavilion master felt strange, and the feeling that Su Yu was about to leave became more and more profound: "Su Yuxian, do you want to leave the sect?"

There was a light of spiritual wisdom in her wonderful eyes.

"Pavilion Master thinks too much." Su Yu said calmly.

The enchanting Pavilion Master's pupils shone brightly, and he nodded slightly: "That's good, you may not be able to find a better place to live if you leave the Scarlet Blood Palace."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the ten bottles of Heart Refining Hongchen Liquid in his hand with a smile, spar almost popped out of his eyes: "Even if you have a conscience, you still know how to bring me a few bottles of Heart Refining Hongchen Liquid, this thing, besides you, Probably no one can take it out easily, right?"

Today's Heart-Refining Hongchen Liquid is in short supply in Tianya City, and it was sold out in a short period of time in the two appearances. The Scarlet Blood Palace is hundreds of millions of miles away. If I want to get the Heart-Refining Hongchen Liquid, I personally rushed to the Red Blood Palace. The Blood Palace may not be available for purchase.

Therefore, one can imagine the preciousness of ten copies of Heart Refining Hongchen Liquid in Scarlet Blood Palace.

"Hehe, if you sell these to the rich disciples in the inner sect, you won't have to worry about selling a bottle of 20,000 crystals. This is 200,000 crystals! Even if it is exchanged for success,

There are also fifty thousand! "The enchanting pavilion master was overjoyed.

Su Yu shook his head amusedly. In his memory, the enchanting pavilion master was a smart woman who loved wealth.

The heart-refining mortal liquid sent out may be just right for your appetite.

"Hehe, goodbye." Su Yu waved his hand and walked away without looking back.

On the same day, there was a lot of commotion in the black market outside the Red Blood Palace. The heart-refining mortal liquid that was buzzing in the Dongtianfu area appeared in the black market outside the Red Blood Palace!

This matter caused a sensation in the inner sect, and many disciples who were about to break through to the God Master, or those who had already broken through, also came to snatch it.

All ten bottles of Heart Refining Hongchen Liquid were sold at a high price of 21,000 bottles.

Strangely, when everyone in the Scarlet Blood Palace valued meritorious service, the owner of the Heart Refining Hongchen Liquid only wanted spars.

The owner of the sale is undoubtedly the owner of the Enchanting Pavilion.

demon mountain.

Gongsun Wuxie and Bing Wuxin learned from nowhere that Su Yu also signed up for the task of Master Ghost and came hand in hand.

"Su Yuxian, give up this mission." Bing Wuxin stood in the courtyard, across the door and window, and said directly.

Su Yu sat cross-legged quietly in the room, and frowned slightly upon hearing this.

The news network of the two of them is so extensive. Naturally, the owner of the Enchanting Pavilion will not sell his information, most likely it is from Master Ghost.

Their contacts are extensive and deep.

"Is there a problem?" Su Yu didn't move at all, and didn't intend to open the door to see him.

Bing Wuxin said: "I'm just telling you, don't waste your energy in vain, the task is in my pocket, and it's in vain if you go."

Su Yu said: "How much merit do you still need?"

Four million is needed to reach the bottom line of Linlang's dangerous task. I don't know how far Bing Wuxin is.

"One million, it's more than enough to complete this task." Bing Wuxin said.

Su Yu raised his eyebrows, and said coldly: "You don't want me to compete with you for merit, so let me give up?"

Bing Wuxin said coldly: "I just don't want you to die in vain."

There was no hint of kindness in her tone.

"I appreciate the kindness. If it's okay, I'm going to meditate." Su Yu said indifferently.

For this domineering woman, Su Yu has neither bad feeling nor good feeling.

Bing Wuxin's lips twitched a few times, stomped her feet, turned and walked away with a sullen face: "Let's go!"

Back in Gongsun Wuxie's room, she folded her hands on her chest: "Let me tell you, you don't need to be nice to this kind of person, he won't appreciate it. You kindly persuade her not to die, but she won't listen! But anyway, the task It's also in Sister Wuxin's pocket, no one can compete with you."


Bing Wuxin smashed his fists on the table, with anger rising in his eyes: "This guy, please comfort me with good intentions, but you ended up with such an attitude!"

As she said that, Bing Wuxin looked at Gongsun Wuxie again. She always felt that after Su Yu came back, he stayed behind closed doors, spoke very little, and had an indifferent attitude, which was very different from before. It was because Gongsun Wuxie rejected his friendship.

Today I took Gongsun Wuxie to Su Yu's house, originally I wanted to use the mission to have an open and honest talk with Su Yu, hoping to untie Su Yu's knot.

In the end, the other party didn't even let him in, and his attitude was still so indifferent, which really made Bing Wuxin angry.

"Sister Wuxin, don't be angry with this kind of person." Gongsun Wuxie stuck out his tongue, fearfully said: "Let's go to the black market to see, there is news that someone is selling meritorious service, two or three hundred thousand, don't miss it, Sister Wuxin Chance."

Bing Wuxin's eyes lit up, she was short of many merits, and it was rare for someone to sell a huge amount of merits.

"Forget it, don't worry about him, let's go." Bing Wuxin took Gongsun Wuxie straight to the black market.

In Su Yu's courtyard, they left on the front foot, and Shangguan Yunque visited on the back foot.

"Brother Su, I heard that you have come out of retreat." Gongsun Wuxie had a smile on his face.

Su Yu opened his eyes and got up, pushed open the door and said, "Yunque, come in, I'm going to see you too."

"Ah, Brother Su is looking for me? Could something good happen?" Shangguan Yunque rubbed his hands and said with a smile.

Su Yu nodded, took out a space ring from his sleeve, and threw it over: "These are for you, I hope they can help you."

Shangguan Yunque subconsciously caught it, probed into the ring, and asked in confusion, "Brother Su, what is the purple pill in here?"

The Shangguan family has a big business, and there is no shortage of pills.

Su Yu understood this, so Shangguan Yunque wondered why Su Yu gave these things.

"The Heart Refining Red Dust Liquid can enhance your soul power, and it will be much smoother when you break through the bottleneck of the God Lord." Su Yu said.

Before finishing listening, Shangguan Yunque was stunned, and then lost his voice: "What, these are the heart-refining mortal fluids that are known all over the city?"

The name of this thing is too big, as long as the news is not too closed, everyone in the entire Dongtianfu area will know about it.

The Shangguan family also specially sent people to Tianya City, hoping to take a few copies and prepare to use them in the future, but they waited for more than half a month and returned empty-handed.

It's not that there are not enough spars, but that there are too many people, and there are so many strong people, it is impossible for the Shangguan family to turn.

I believe that even if it is bought, it is still a problem to safely bring it back to the distant Shangguan family.

And in his palm ring at the moment, there are enough fifty bottles of Heart Refining Red Dust Liquid, which is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of crystals! Judging from the crystal stones sold in the black market today, at least one million crystal stones can be sold, which is a full year's income of the Shangguan family!

"Brother Su, this gift is too expensive, I can't accept it!" Shangguan Yunque looked serious and pushed it back.

Su Yu said: "Keep it, it's my heart."

After several refusals, Shangguan Yunque gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I won't let Brother Su suffer, one million crystals!"

Su Yu's face turned cold: "Okay, if you really use money to buy it, don't call Brother Su in the future, and in addition, 10 million crystals will come to buy it!"

Hearing this, Shangguan Yunque accepted it embarrassingly: "I owe Brother Su another big favor."

Su Yu smiled and shook his head: "Who owes whom, maybe."

The Five Elements Prison and the "Five Elements Mysteries" are far from being repaid by fifty bottles of heart-refining mortal liquid. Su Yu did not intend to sever the relationship between the two parties, but before leaving, he could make up for the Shangguan family a little.

"Skylark came to see me at this time, is there something wrong?" Su Yu asked.

Shangguan Yunque's face suddenly showed joy: "Haha, I'm here to announce the good news to Brother Su!"

"Happiness comes?" Su Yu blinked. He has been troubled recently and nothing goes well.

Shangguan Yunque's eyebrows danced brightly: "My sister asked me to pass the message. Qing'er said that Elder Jing of the inner sect hopes to accept you as a disciple. She is currently in retreat, so she can't come in person. When she learned that my sister knew you, she dragged her to pass the message." , ask what you mean."

Why is it that Elder Jing is inconvenient to come, because he is afraid that if he comes to ask in person, it will hurt his face if Su Yu refuses to face him.

In fact, with Su Yu's current reputation as the number one outer sect, there are many elders in the inner sect who are willing to accept Su Yu as a disciple.

Because of his repeated rejection of the left and right palace lords, most of the elders stopped, lest they fall into the fate of rejection.

Elder Jing should be one of the elders who is more confident in himself.

Su Yu refused without much thought.

As a result, he decided to leave the sect and become a teacher again.

Secondly, it is impossible to see the sincerity of entrusting someone to send a message to accept a disciple. Even if Su Yu becomes his disciple, if Su Yu is in trouble in the future, the other party may not be willing to protect him.

"Ah? Reject? Brother Su, think about it again! Elder Jing's status is unusual, she is a top formation master, and her status in the sect is not much worse than that of the ghost master. She wants to be an inner disciple of her sect. There are countless things, such a good thing is in front of you, why do you refuse?" Shangguan Yunque said: "Besides, I heard that you rejected the invitations of the left palace lord and the right palace lord at the same time, and if you don't look for a backer, I'm worried , it will be very difficult for you to enter the inner sect in the future."

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