The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 923 Time Destroys the Enemy

"Yeah, we meet again." The scorching sun above the head, the stalwart figure, said indifferently, "You escaped when the river was frozen, and it took me a whole year to find it."

The leader of Jin Guangwei sighed softly, not in a hurry to catch Su Yu.

In other words, Su Yu is already a fish in the net, why should he be caught?

It's just that they never thought about whether this fish would have the power to tear the fishing net.

"It's the same question as last time, come with us, or take your body back?" The leader of Jin Guangwei remained indifferent.

Su Yu said calmly: "I don't want to know, why did the king of Zhongzhou want to arrest me? Whether it's a living person or a corpse?"

The leader of Jin Guangwei said: "We only carry out the orders of King Zhongzhou, regardless of the reason. If you want to lure us, don't waste your words."

How could they not understand, let the five of them team up to arrest a little flying fairy, and they must bring him back, so they must bring him back. It can be seen that this person's body has something that the King of Zhongzhou must have.

Moreover, it is extremely valuable.

They understand, but they understand the price of betraying King Zhongzhou even more.

In heaven and earth, no one can save them.

Su Yu said lightly: "It's not a lure, but I want to ask you, why do you have to be a tiger? Did you ever know what he did in the True Dragon Continent and what he did to the previous king of Zhongzhou, Shen Yichen?"

The complexions of the five Jin Guangweis changed at the same time.

The leader of Jin Guangwei narrowed his eyes: "You know Shen Yichen, and you also know the existence of the True Dragon Continent?"

On one side, Gongsun Wuxie's eyes turned black, and from Su Yu's mouth, he heard many shocking secrets.

The previous King of Zhongzhou, who overwhelmed Kyushu, and Shen Yichen, who was about to be crowned emperor, had an accidental fall related to the current King of Zhongzhou?

Su Yu said: "It seems that you all know that after all these years, you are still willing to be used by him."

Disappointment was revealed in his eyes.

The leader of Jin Guangwei said indifferently: "So what if you know? The common people in the world are struggling in the world, who doesn't want to survive? The king of Zhongzhou is like this, and so are we. So what if he slaughtered hundreds of millions of souls, and what if he plotted against God Yichen? In my opinion, To be able to take a step forward in cultivation, any sacrifice is not hesitating! And he can give us the resources we want, so he will use them naturally."

speak your mind,

Leader Jin Guangwei said, "Is it meaningful to ask so many questions?"

A dying person, in their view, is superfluous.

Su Yu said lightly: "Yes, the meaning is that I am sure that no one under my command has died in vain."

He doesn't kill innocent people, even if Jinguang Wuwei belongs to King Zhongzhou.

After asking the reason, they are still willing to do evil for the King of Zhongzhou. If they die, Su Yu will not blame himself.

"Oh? Not only do you have the courage to resist us, but you also have the confidence to kill us?" The leader of Jin Guangwei laughed in surprise: "Young people are very energetic."

Su Yu took out a wooden box from his sleeve.

When the wooden box appeared, it immediately exuded an incomparably rich wood-attributed atmosphere, and ripples appeared in the dead space.

In the wooden box, three drops of incomparably pure liquid lie quietly, each drop is as bright as a spar.

Even in the absolute seal of the wooden box, it exudes unparalleled vitality, as if every drop of crystal is the source of life.

The leader of Jin Guangwei's smile restrained, showing surprise: "Fountain of life? It is the natal liquid condensed by the Mu clan people with more than six stacks in Vientiane!"

Wisps of blazing color flickered in the eyes of the golden light five guards at the same time.

The legendary Fountain of Life, the rank of the wood clan with more than six stacks in Vientiane, can make them live for thousands of years.

For a thousand years, for them who are in urgent need of a breakthrough, it is a hard-to-find secret in the world, and nothing can be exchanged for it.

"If you swallow this thing, you won't be able to save your life." The leader of Jin Guangwei said, "Leave it to us, and I will give you a quick death."

Su Yu's eyes were full of indifference. Shaking his head, he said: "You have misunderstood, swallowing it is not for saving your life, but for killing you!"

After speaking, Su Yu took out a drop and swallowed it on the spot.

An incomparably huge vitality filled Su Yu's body like a stormy wave.

Su Yu's old face changed rapidly.

The pale hair gradually deepened and turned to silver.

The wrinkled and calm face gradually recovered, becoming the face of an eighteen-year-old boy with smooth skin like jade, handsome features, and piercing eyes, as if hiding a vast starry sky.

His hands also returned to normal, as white as jade.

In an instant, an old man turned into a handsome young man with silver hair.

Seeing this reversal, Gongsun Wuxie was stunned. When he stared at Su Yu's last youthful face, he felt as if he had come to the mortal world. The elegance and handsomeness, combined with his indifferent demeanor, made him not like a mortal.

At the same time, his pair of dark eyes gradually changed.

The left eye had a faint purple light, and the right eye was a wine-red color.

The eyes shoot out different colors, and at first glance, it is definitely not human, adding to the mystery.

"It really is you!" The pupils of the leader of Jin Guangwei shrank slightly, and the young face in front of him was exactly the portrait given to them by King Zhongzhou.

In the beginning, they chased and killed an old man several times, and they still had doubts in their hearts, but now all doubts have been dispelled.

Su Yu stood with his hands behind his back, even in the face of the five golden guards, he remained calm.

"Having chased and killed me for a year, it's time to end it." Su Yu said, during the year, he had a sword hanging in his heart all day long, and today, it's time to face it head-on.

The leader of Jin Guangwei stared at Su Yu, who was exuding vitality, and said: "Be careful, he reveals his real body, don't be careless! Use the Five Elements Absolute Array!"

The silver-haired boy in front of him has a record of killing the Blood Emperor.

The five of them fought alone, only the leader Jin Guangwei was able to defeat the Blood Emperor with a hundred moves, and the rest were defeated within ten moves.

However, Su Yu was able to erase the Blood Emperor from the world without a sound, and there must be an astonishing means.

Five stalwart figures immediately formed seals with both hands.

Immediately, the sky sang the sound of the dark, the sky was square, the white clouds were billowing, and the wind was loud.

The space surrounded by five scorching suns was constantly shaking, which was due to being squeezed.

In the sight of Su Yu and Gongsun Wuxie, the figures of the five golden light guards grew taller and taller, and the world became farther and farther away.

In the eyes of the five golden guards, Su Yu and Gongsun Wuxie who were blocked, together with an entire area, were being compressed and gradually shrunk.

The Five Elements Absolute Array can block space, and can also compress space. When deployed to the deepest point, it can compress a world with a radius of 100,000 miles into the size of a palm.

Once formed, the compressed space is even more difficult to break through. Even the strongest of the six stacks of Vientiane will be firmly blocked, unable to break through the void and escape.

However, Su Yu's eyes flashed suddenly, the left eye was full of purple light, and the right eye was full of red light.

One purple and one red, intertwined into a divine light that covers the sky and the sun, penetrates the compressed space, and covers a radius of one hundred thousand miles.

The golden light emitted by the five golden light guards could hardly counteract the purple-red light, and they were all swallowed up.

"Back in time and space!" Su Yu shouted.

The vitality in the body, like a bottomless pit, was quickly swallowed up by 10%.

But, surprisingly, in the area covered by the purple-red light, everything reversed.

Outside the formation, a lone goose flew over their heads, after flying a hundred feet, it flew back backwards.

The fish that jumped out of the water returned to the water in the jumping posture, and jumped out again.

Rolling white clouds, strange backflow.

The technique of the golden light five guards' sealing was reversed uncontrollably, and returned to the state of just forming the seal.

The space that was obviously compressed by half gradually expanded and returned to normal.

Time is flowing backwards, and space is also flowing backwards.

Only Su Yu, and Gongsun Wuxie, who was very close to him, were not affected, and proved the reverse flow of time and space.

Gongsun Wuxie's big eyes were wide open, as if she was in a dream, she turned her head with difficulty, and looked at Su Yu beside her, feeling the urge to look up to the gods of time and space.

Controlling time and space, what kind of supernatural power is this that defies yin and yang?

Confusion appeared in the eyes of the Golden Light Five Guards. They clearly remembered that they had already cast the Five Elements Absolute Array.

But right now, it's like this.

Only the leader of Jin Guangwei, who kept the remaining memory, immediately gasped: "Time and space are flowing backwards!"

Su Yu nodded lightly: "Well, you must have thought about how the blood emperor died. Today, let you experience it once!"

The wine-red light in his right eye dissipated, and only the purple light in his left eye bloomed.

"Back in time!" Su Yu stared at the Golden Light Five Guards with his left eye.

The ten thousand zhang purple glow locked them firmly.

An astonishing scene appeared, their bodies changed at the same time!

They have all degenerated from the state of middle age to the state of youth.

Along with degenerating, there is cultivation.

At the same time, there are also huge mountains and rivers shrouded in the purple glow.

The mountains are dwarfing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the land is constantly changing.

Silver Lake dried up and turned into mulberry field.

Thousand-year-old trees degenerate into seedlings and finally into seeds.

The mansion of the Situ family, from nothing to nothing, turned into a barren place.

Everything has turned into the state of hundreds, thousands of years ago.

The same goes for Jinguang Wuwei. After a short time, he changed from a middle-aged body to a middle-aged youth.

Their cultivation bases have returned to the state at that time.

Before that, they all had the cultivation level of the second level of Vientiane, and the leader Jin Guangwei even had the terrifying cultivation level of the third level of Vientiane.

But now, the Golden Light Four Guards have regressed into a stack of Vientiane.

The leader of Jin Guangwei regressed to the second layer of Vientiane.

Their cultivation has been reversed to the state of nearly a thousand years ago!

And, the process still hasn't stopped.

They are still regressing, changing dramatically towards youth.

The heaven-defying transformation made the Golden Light Five Guards pale in shock!

They finally understood how the Blood Emperor died, and was erased from the world by going back in time!

"Quick! There's no need to capture alive, the first thing to do is to kill!" Jin Guangwei's leader turned pale with shock, and made a decisive decision to abandon the capture alive and kill him instead.

His heart was shaken, and the sense of crisis appeared frequently.

He also finally understood why the king of Zhongzhou sent the five of them to chase and kill them at the same time.

Just because he is too dangerous.

"God's Palm of Light!" The leader of Jin Guangwei yelled, the moonlight in his left palm was like a dream, and the sunlight in his right hand gathered, and quickly condensed into two balls of light.

It looks like the left hand is holding the sun, and the right hand is holding the sun.

Immediately afterwards, he joined his palms together, and the sun, moon, and sun merged into one palm, and a round of light ball like Tai Chi appeared, emitting light that enveloped the world.

Su Yu was no stranger to this scene.

Back then, the Blood Emperor had also used it.

That is, the last move of "Extreme God's Palm", the Light God's Palm!

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