The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 950: Once and for all

"Although the Wanxiang old monsters who came to recommend will have disputes with each other, it is much better than a chaotic situation." Gongsun Wuxie added.

In fact, the more outstanding the genius, the more powerful the Vientiane monster would protect them, and they would be able to enter Linlang Wonderland more safely.

This is also a kind of protection for outstanding talents.

Su Yu said: "In this way, the Lord of the Demon Palace will lead us there, and she will recommend it."

If it was her, looking at the mainland of Kyushu, there really are not many Vientiane monsters who would dare to provoke her.

"Is it only allowed to be recommended by Vientiane-level old monsters? What if the king of the state and the master of Duanxianya come?" Su Yu asked.

Gongsun Wuxie said: "No, Linlang Fairyland has the power to suppress. If the Dust Immortal can't get close to the dangerous realm within a million miles, he will definitely be excluded. No one can be an exception. Even if Linlang Chenxian has fallen for many years, it is still the Kyushu Continent. , the oldest Dust Immortal, who has lived for tens of thousands of years, even if he dies, the remaining prestige is not something that the kings of the Nine Great States can contend with."

Regarding the rumors about Linlang Chenxian, Su Yu didn't know much about what he had seen and heard, and he respected this ancient Dust Fairy.

Those who are respected are those who have guarded the mainland of Kyushu for tens of thousands of years, and those who have not forgotten the human race of Kyushu after their death.

"Two months and three days, there must be a cloud of masters, and heroes will emerge in large numbers." Su Yu's eyes were full of hesitation, as far as he knew, he was a genius.

There was the first genius in Dongtianfu area before, Gu Taixu.

Later, Bi Lingtian, the number one genius in the Heavenly Sword Domain,

And the entire Kyushu has forty-five domains.

There are at least forty-five peerless geniuses!

Each of them is a powerful existence that is almost invincible at the same level. It is not easy to compete with these people?

If it wasn't for two months and they were well-prepared, even if they entered the Linlang Fairyland, it would be difficult to compete with them, and it would be even more difficult to help Gongsun Wuxie get the Linlang Immortal Staff.

What's more, Yun Yazi hoped that Su Yu would take away the relic left by Immortal Linlangchen for him.

Without absolute strength, it is difficult to succeed.

You must quickly improve your cultivation!

"In the next two months, I'm going to retreat." Gongsun Wuxie said, the light in his eyes was like a pair of bright candles.


Gongsun Wuxie suddenly said: "Oh, by the way, aunt said, 500 parts of the true energy of the fifth-grade god master has been prepared and is on the way to be shipped. I believe it will be delivered to you in two months."

Su Yu's eyes brightened slightly, is it finally coming?

He held a large piece of Linlangchen's divine crystal, which contained a memory of her, and it would take a huge amount of true energy to unlock it.

Five hundred parts of the true qi of a fifth grade god master is completely enough.

At that time, if you can get something from it, it would be great.

"It's just right, I'm also going to retreat." Su Yu said, just choose where to retreat, Su Yu has not yet decided.

The phantom competition room is already overcrowded, and every once in a while, you need to give up cultivation and instill meritorious deeds, so you can't meditate for a long time.

Right at this moment, with a cry, Bing Wuxin woke up from the coma, looked at the two people who were talking face to face, and said, "Where is Jinmu?"

Gongsun Wuxie felt guilty and yelled: "Oh, I have been wiped out by brother Yuxian, and I will avenge you."

Bing Wuxin touched the back of her head, and said again: "Who is that sneak attacking me?"

"It's Deputy Territory Master Xiao, this guy is too insidious!" Gongsun Wuxie ran over, rubbed Bing Wuxin's shoulders, and said viciously: "She actually attacked us both while we were distracted. Fortunately, I found out Be early and block most attacks."

Bing Wuxin was a little confused: "Didn't he be beaten to the point where only his soul body remained? Can he still make this kind of attack?"

"Uh... He, he took medicine, um, he must have taken medicine!" Gongsun Wuxie affirmed.

Bing Wuxin thought for a while, but didn't pay too much attention to it. Just as she was about to get up, she glanced at the necklace on Bing Wuxin's neck from the corner of her eye: "A high-grade fire spar? When did you get it?"

"Brother Yuxian gave it to me." I don't know if it was intentional, Gongsun Wuxie deliberately explained the origin, and there was a strange light in his eyes, as if he was showing off or secretly provoking.

Hearing this, Bing Wuxin looked at Su Yu, stared at him and asked: "Do you know the value of high-grade spar? There are only a few in this sect."

Su Yu said: "I know, so what?"

I don't know why, Bing Wuxin felt a sense of unease in his heart, and it was very heavy on his chest.

Why give Gongsun Wuxie but not her?

He obviously gave her three million merits, and he has feelings for her, so why are you trying to please other girls now?

Or, he still likes Gongsun Wuxie?

The more he thought about Bing Wuxin, the more he couldn't calm down. Looking at the high-grade spar on Gongsun Wuxie's neck, he felt as if something of his own was being snatched away.

But she had been with Gongsun Wuxie for many years, and the anger that had just arisen was quickly suppressed.

Standing up, she pushed away Gongsun Wuxie's supporting hand without a trace, and said coldly, "I'm going back to heal my wounds, it just so happens that I'm going to retreat too, see you in two months."

After speaking, walk away indifferently.

Gongsun Wuxie stared at Bing Wuxin's back, and said with a half smile but not a smile: "Brother Su Yu, congratulations, I think sister Wuxin may be emotional."

Su Yu shook his head and said: "She is devoted to swordsmanship and martial arts is very determined. I can feel that such a person will not be easily moved."

"Hehe, Brother Su Yu doesn't understand women." Gongsun Wuxie said like a grown-up: "Women are a very strange animal, no matter how good the object is, if you take the initiative to send it to me, it will be difficult to arouse interest, especially A woman like Sister Wuxin, who is devoted to swordsmanship and aloof in heart, will not be emotional at will, and will not even pay attention to you. However, if she finds out that this person is about to leave her and fall into the arms of another equally excellent woman, she will start to pay attention to this person. People, and then discover the advantages, and finally fall in love unconsciously."

"I was helping brother Su Yu just now. Otherwise, even if you get married, she won't have feelings for you."

It sounds reasonable, but it's weird to say it from Gongsun Wuxie's mouth.

She should also be emotional towards Su Yu, so instead of driving Bing Wuxin away, instead of chasing them, what is her intention?

"Okay, I'm going to start retreat, and I'm going to explore the Linlang Wonderland. I have to digest the things I've been messing with recently." Gongsun Wuxie knew what Su Yu was going to ask, and deliberately avoided it. Shut the door and shut it.

Su Yu was a little speechless, it seemed necessary to find a suitable time to explain the whole story to them.

When Su Yu was thinking about where to choose to retreat, suddenly, two fierce guards broke into the Demon Mountain, and stopped Su Yu without saying a word: "The Lord of the Demon Palace has an order, you come with us."

Mo Tianxuan? Su Yu was annoyed. Could it be that this woman had discovered a clue and was suspicious of her again?

It seems that she needs to find a way to dispel her suspicion once and for all, otherwise it will be trouble sooner or later.

And, trouble is just around the corner.

Without Yun Yazi's protection, if she uses Soul Search again, Su Yu will have no way to hide.

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