The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 965 Fighting Wisdom and Bravery

His gaze penetrated slowly, one hundred meters, two hundred meters, three hundred meters, four hundred meters...

It wasn't until one thousand meters away, when Su Yu's gaze was at its limit, that he finally found two figures fighting each other.

He even knew one of them!

It was a young man in his mid-twenties, with sword-like eyebrows and star-eyed eyes, quite handsome, and he was Senior Brother Tang who was eager to protect her.

At this moment, he was struggling to fight a woman in Zixiao Palace costume.

Both of them are the top cultivation bases of the eighth-rank God Lord, and they swept the surrounding area with their hands.

Even though they were separated by a kilometer, Su Yu could still feel the fierceness of the moves.

If Su Yu were to fight any one of them, it would be difficult to win in a short time without using one or two tricks.

The two fought for a while, and the surrounding area was in a mess, and both of them had wounds on their bodies.

Especially the woman, who was out of breath, had a serious depletion of spiritual energy, and was seriously exhausted.

Under the gravity of Zixiao Secret Realm, physical exertion is particularly severe.

On the other hand, Brother Tang, perhaps because of his male status, has more or less practiced body tempering, and his performance is slightly better than that of females.

If nothing else happens, Senior Brother Tang will win in the end.

"Tang Ling, do you really want to fight me to the end? Both of us are top-notch people, so it's a pity to be eliminated like this!" After a frontal blow, the woman used her strength to back up and lightly reprimanded.

Tang Ling also stopped, stared at the woman and said, "In the beginning, Junior Sister Cao Ling started the attack. If it wasn't for Tang's ability, wouldn't she have been eliminated by Junior Sister Cao Ling? Now that I choose to stop the army, the senior brother can agree. blood, but I can’t agree.”

Hearing this, Cao Ling smiled sweetly: "Senior Brother Tang Ling, I was only in a feverish mood just now, please forgive me for rashly doing it, here is a bottle of Huiyuan Pill that quickly replenishes spiritual energy and physical strength, I believe it can make up for Brother Tang Ling, if we continue to fight like this, I'm afraid it will be a fisherman's profit."

Tang Ling frowned, weighed the pros and cons for a long while, and had to give up: "Hmph, I didn't have such good luck when I met you in Linlang Wonderland! Let's forget it this time, it's not an example!"

What Cao Ling said was right. The two sides fought fiercely, and the battle was very tense, and it was very likely that outsiders would miss it.

It is not even ruled out that there are already people watching,

Wait for them to lose both.

Cao Ling smiled when she heard the words, and threw a jade bottle over from the air.

Tang Ling was vigilant, so he didn't take it with his hands, but rolled it up with his sleeve, rolled it up behind him, looked closely, and smiled a little: "Well, it is indeed Huiyuan Pill."

"If that's the case, let's take my leave." Tang Ling cupped his hands, and did not swallow the pill on the spot, but prepared to take it to a safe place and swallow it after careful identification.

While speaking, Tang Ling stepped back cautiously.

However, Cao Ling's face suddenly showed a hint of sarcasm: "Why don't you take it on the spot, Senior Brother Tang, is it because you are afraid that your junior sister will plot against you?"

"Hehe, could it be that if I give junior sister something, junior sister dare to accept it with peace of mind?" Tang Ling asked back.

Cao Ling showed a cunning smile: "Of course my younger sister is also worried, so if I want to poison, it will definitely not be on the elixir, but on the smell."

odor? Tang Ling was startled, but his expression changed drastically, and he immediately threw the jade bottle from his sleeve.

However, it seemed that it was already too late. Tang Ling suddenly twitched all over, foaming at the mouth, as if being shocked by an electric shock, and fell straight up. Only a pair of eyeballs could move quickly, and there was a look of surprise and panic in the eyes.

"Hehe, I've finally waited for this moment." Cao Ling walked over, smiling coquettishly: "Do you know that I have simulated dozens of times in my mind how to deal with strong people of the same level, and I have even done it in the Zixiao Secret Realm many times?" It works very well.”

For the people of Zixiao Palace, the Zixiao Secret Realm is like their own back garden, and even this fighting style can be practiced by themselves at any time.

No, Tang Ling fell for it.

Tang Ling twitched all over his body, his eyes rolled white, as if he was about to be teleported out.

Cao Ling squatted down, and patted his face with a half-smile, "Goodbye Senior Brother Tang, it seems that you can only participate in Linlang Wonderland after a hundred years."

After she finished speaking, Cao Ling grabbed Zixiao on top of Tang Ling's head.

However, the moment she moved her hand, her expression suddenly changed, she not only withdrew her hand quickly, but also jumped back quickly.


But it was still too late, a snow-white light suddenly flung out from Tang Ling's sleeve and penetrated into Cao Ling's abdomen.

With great force, it flew backwards with Cao Ling, and hit a giant tree, making a crashing sound.

Cao Ling covered her abdomen, looking at Tang Ling who was slowly getting up in disbelief: "Are you not poisoned?"

Tang Ling wiped off the white spittle from the corner of his mouth, and a sneer appeared on his painful face: "You think you can fool me with this little trick?"

Tang Ling took out an amber from his chest, and a white bug solidified in the amber, like snow, exuding a faint fragrance.

"Hundred poisonous cicada?" Cao Ling was taken aback. The hundred poisonous cicada is a kind of spirit insect that has been extinct since ancient times. It is rumored that it survives by devouring all kinds of poisons in the world.

In ancient times, it was often used as a spiritual object to avoid poison.

In the current era, there is little evidence of this object, except for occasional fossils resembling amber encased.

But even if it is a fossil, the faint fragrance it emits can still detoxify the poison.

This was the reason why Tang Ling was poisoned at first, but later on he was unharmed.

How did Cao Ling think that Tang Ling was still carrying such a treasure?

"Junior Sister, it's over." Tang Ling sneered and punched him coldly.

This punch contained Tang Ling's full strength. Cao Ling, who was seriously injured, was not a match at all.

Cao Ling was threatened with her life, and a space force appeared around her, wrapping her up and teleporting her away from this area.

A wisp of Zixiao's true energy above his head was left behind, which was caught by Tang Ling.

Zixiao's true energy flew into Tang Ling's head, doubling the original Zixiao's true energy.

After doing this, Tang Ling looked around, ready to leave immediately, looking for a place to recover his spiritual and physical strength.

"Who?" Tang Ling suddenly scolded.

Su Yu was slightly startled, exposed?

After thinking about it, Su Yu backed away slowly, his body just moved and then suddenly stopped, staring at the area a thousand meters away, beyond his line of sight.

In his perception, there is a domineering aura that is slowly approaching.

Tang Ling seemed to have sensed something, with a very serious expression on his face, staring closely at a hundred meters away.

The clouds and mist rolled, and the torrent was turbulent, as if a beast was gradually approaching from the depths of the cloud and mist.

The surroundings were silent, the insects stopped singing, and even the wind gradually quieted down.

Only the clouds that continue to roll over exude a strange oppression.

Even Su Yu, who was thousands of miles away, also felt this unusual oppression.

Su Yu asked himself that there are not a few masters who have seen god masters, and they have even personally killed the existence of ninth grade god masters.

However, no other strong divine master could give him such a sense of oppression.

It seemed that what he was facing was not a divine lord, but a Vientiane old monster.

Cold sweat appeared on Tang Ling's forehead. He clenched his fists and shouted in a low voice, "Who is it?"

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