The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1176: Forbidden mountain, forbidden land (1)

Chapter 1176 Prohibiting the Mountain, Forbidden Land (1)

This is a stretch of mountains, towering into the clouds, but it is in danger.

When the wind just walked into the mountains, she noticed some misconceptions. She and the Nanxian string next to her looked at each other and her eyes fell to the forest.

In the woods, there are hidden waves of killing, and even the temperature of the air has dropped a lot.

"Small dump, what's wrong?"

Gu Yiyi looked at the wind that had stopped and fell like the South String. Her eyes flashed a bit, and obviously did not know what happened.

Mu Qingyi did not speak, but subconsciously pulled Gu Yiyi behind him, his eyes staring at the rustling leaves not far away.

The wind smirked and walked two steps forward with a light step. Her eyes swept into the empty forest and smiled and raised her lips.

"Since you have chosen to ambush us, we have already appeared, why are you still not coming out?"


In the forest, there was a burst of laughter, like a magic sound, in the ears of everyone back to the file, for a long time.

In a few moments, countless figures emerged in the forest. They stood above the sky, their eyes were cold, and the people below were cold.

Among those people, headed by a serious and cold-hearted old man, wearing a bright yellow robes, with the words "Xuanyuan" printed on it, it seems that he is afraid that others will not know his identity.

It seems stupid... and there are two.

"When the young girl is young, why should she be with the beast? Instead, kill her compatriots?"

"Who told you, I am a fellow country with you?"

"The same human being, is it not a compatriot? The hatred of the beast and the human being, this has been closed for many years. In the past, except for a traitor like the Haitian kingdom, now... there is one more person, you have thought about it, if it is a beast Rebelling, how can humans behave themselves?"

The wind strops the chin: "All human beings and the beasts are enemies, or are you only... want to make the beasts your slaves?"

Xuanwu Guojun’s face sank a bit.

This little girl, really can't hear anything.

In this way, I really can't complain that these old guys besieged these young people.

"Oh, yes, do you know why the elixir in this place is so rare?" The wind asked as a smile.

Xuanwu Guojun stunned and asked: "Why?"

"Because the spirit beast has no IQ," her eyes smiled, beautiful and bright. "You expect the spirit beast to pick the elixir well. It is impossible. They will only uproot, once they lose these roots, It will take years to advance from medicinal herbs to elixir."

The elixir is the medicinal material that is bred by enough aura to become a elixir.

As long as its roots are still there, the elixir will continue to grow.

If the roots are destroyed, it will take countless years to continue to advance from the medicinal materials.

Therefore, there are not many elixir on this continent, at least not comparable to the mainland of the moon...

This time, not only the Xuanwu monarch, but also the monarch of the other country behind him, they looked at the wind and looked sceptical, seemingly verifying the authenticity of her words.

After all, they have been here for so many years, and the picking of elixir has always been uprooted and will not leave any foundation for it.

"Even if you are telling the truth, what is it?" Xuanwu Guojun returned to God and calmly said, "The spy who had previously placed in the Kingdom of Haitian has heard the news and said that your voice also has a lot of elixir. So, if you leave the elixir..."

(End of this chapter)

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