The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1184: Ancestor Mo Jun (2)

Chapter 1184, the ancestor Mo Jun (2)

Like that month, it is like a breeze.

"Peace, kill him, we continue to go." The man's tone was as flat as ever, and the light was cold.

When the wind fell down, it nodded, and the corners of the lips were shallow.

After hearing this, the face of Xuanyuan Guojun suddenly changed, and the whole person was crying with a face.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'm still very useful. At least I am better than everyone else who is present. It's better for you to refine the pot. I am still very obedient."

It’s better to live than to die. Now there are no subjects from Xuanyuan’s country. He has nothing to lose.

After all, the great masters he brought are also dead. Only he is a lonely man, he still cares about what face, always better than the clean and dead.

The wind is looking up at the giant pot.

The giant pot slammed and swayed the pot desperately.

"Mother, the giant pot said that he can't refine him, it's better to eat it." Fu Chen Qing's voice sounded.

The whole face of Xuanyuan Guojun was green. He looked at the wind with some sorrow. He looked at the cold man standing next to her. A cold feeling broke into his heart, and he was cold. I trembled.

"I can also be used by you without refining, really."

The wind is so stroking the chin, it seems to be thinking about the words of Xuanyuan Guojun.

Xuanyuan Guojun’s heart is horizontal: “I know the secret of enchantment!”

"Well?" The wind raised his eyebrows and finally turned his eyes to Xuanyuan Guojun.

"You know that the existence of enchantment can still be alive. You must have never seen the sinister danger. This is just the periphery of the ban, but if you want to move forward, you will enter the enchantment. The enchantment is in jeopardy. With me, with my strength, at least I can help you."

The wind is like a smile: "You seem to make a lot of sense."

Xuanyuan Guojun’s subconscious sigh of relief, but before he could continue to speak, the wind had already brought the long sword in the hands of Nanxian to his hand, and smiled and walked toward Xuanyuan Guojun.

"But I think that you can't even beat my pot. It's definitely just a burden, and I can't give us better news, so it's not as good as..."

Xuanyuan Guojun was trembled: "At the outermost part of the enchantment, it is a fierce beast guard. The fierce beast is swallowed. It is unusually fierce, but I know his weakness. His weakness is afraid of water, but it is not ordinary. Water must be a spiritual water containing aura that can erode its body."

The beasts and the beasts are all beasts, in fact not the same.

Spiritual beasts are pure and good, only fighting for survival. All their struggles and killings are only to be able to survive.

The beasts are smothered, even if it is not for eating, it will certainly afflict prey, and even cause turbulence in the human world many times. Therefore, it is used to be the name of a beast, and has been chased by countless people until confinement.

"Oh, then?" The wind asked like a smile.

Xuanyuan Guojun’s face changed: “Then...and then I don’t know. This was discovered by a former minister. We also want to leave this piece of the mainland and send people to explore the enchantment, but now So far, we still don't know how to leave."

Exile the mainland and smell its name, we know that this is the place that has been exiled. The resources are scarce. They all want to go to the outside world to see and satisfy the curiosity. Even if the outside world is not as good as the mainland, they will not have any regrets.

(End of this chapter)

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