The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1190: The difficulty of the gods (four)

Chapter 1190 The Difficulty of the Tenjin House (4)

Dear, believe me, can you?

The wind was so swollen that the throat was a little sobbing. After all, a word was issued: "Okay."

She believes in him.

No matter what she promised, Nanxian will do it.

"Southern string," the wind raised his hand and grabbed the clothes of the South String. "Can't beat, don't hold it, run it and run. If you dare to die in this place, I will throw your body to nine." Hey, let him do whatever he wants."

Nanxian: "..."

"And, I will wait for you at the enchantment. You must come to me! If you don't come, I will really throw you to Jiuyi. His man is abnormal and more impure to you. thought."

The South Strings put the girl in her arms.

"Do not worry, how can I leave you?"

Yeah, how can he leave her?

Thousands of years ago, the South Changfeng died in the arms of the Nine Emperors, but it was always a teenager who was not afraid of fear. At that moment, it turned out to be an unprecedented panic.

He is not afraid of death...

What he fears is that after he dies, he will never see him again.

How can he leave her in this world, solitary.

Oh, no, the nine emperors have never been alone. There are countless women in her backyard, but Nan Changfeng always feels that once he leaves the world, the nine emperors will inevitably be lonely.

The same is true of this world.

For her, he will definitely... live well.

"it is good."

The wind trembled a little, leaving the embrace of the South String.

Xuanyuan Guojun panicked: "You have to take me and leave, I want to leave this place, I am afraid..."

No one answered her words.

Fuchen and Qinghan have been put into the space by the wind.

With their strength here, it won't play much role, and it will drag down the South String.

Yes, since Fu Chen woke up, he thought that he was very strong, and he did not expect to become a burden after all.

In the face of such a powerful beast, he can't do anything, and he can only follow the wind.

Moreover, the South String will not let them stay.

He didn't know if there was any danger in it. Fu Chen had to follow the wind and let him face this beast with peace of mind.


The barrier is completely fragmented. The original barrier is nothing but nothing. The average person can't see it. Only the beast can feel the existence of the barrier.

But at the moment of the break, it turned into countless spots of light and dissipated in the air.

When the fierce beast rushed, the wind felt like a loose body, and the whole person turned into a sharp sword. It quickly flew to the distance and gradually disappeared into the eyes of Nanxian...

The heart of Nanxian fell completely. He stood pale, the white clothes fluttered, and the cold eyes fell on the beast.

The beast can't catch up with the wind, it is even more impossible to go deep, and all the anger is vented to the head of the South String, angry roar, a huge mountain-like figure has already rushed over.

The whole sky is so black and pressed, like a black cloud spread over the top of the head, revealing a gloomy breath...


Not far from the sky, the wind fell from the void, just fell into a pile of chaotic grass, but it was not hurt.

She stood up from the grass, holding her fists tightly, looking back at the direction she had just flew, and slowly regained her gaze.


In the space, the voice of Fuchen’s appeasement was heard: “It’s still very cheap, you don’t have to worry too much, he will definitely come back to you, it will definitely!!!”

(End of this chapter)

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