The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1198: The threat of Mu Huan (3)

Chapter 1198 The threat of Mu Huan (3)

Chen’s mother is like this, Chen Guangyu is like this, and now Mu Huan is also like this!

What kind of mother is there, what kind of daughter will be there.

Mu Huan sneered and turned to the old man: "Old things, in this place, you are not qualified to speak!"

If it weren't for this old thing, the mother wouldn't be miserable for a lifetime, and the people who admire the family are not enough to vent her anger!

Mu old man smashed his sleeves, his sleeves breeze, his body shape, and his calm voice with a calm and confident self-confidence.

"Just because I am a family owner! I have the right to decide what to do with the people of the family!"

"Oh..." Mu Huan’s mouth sneered with disdain. "The Qin family is coming soon. You want to maintain the plain clothes. Have you considered the feelings of other people in the family? You are also the head of the family." It!"

Sure enough, the faces of the uncles and the uncles of the wall are not very good-looking.

In their view, it is worthwhile to sacrifice a plain clothes and keep the whole Mujia!

Only the owner is stubborn to keep her!

"Homeowner, Nan Suyi is not the one we admire. You don't give up on Gu Shi, but it is worth it for an outsider to abandon the whole family."

"Miss Muhua now has this kind of strength, we must choose to agree with any request of Miss Mu Huan! Now she can only protect us from the family!"

"Home, what are you thinking about? We will stop the old man later, you will solve the South Suyi, as long as Mu Jiabao comes down, what kind of woman do you want? If you lose your family, there is nothing!"


Mu Huan’s eyebrows were smug, and what about these people even if they accepted the clothes? Just need her a few words, don't I still kick out the plain clothes?

And this is the benefit of the arrival of rights.

For the first time, she was somewhat grateful to the mother who gave her to He Xin. Otherwise, she would not have such supreme power. These dogs who look at people with low prices will not be so nod.

Even more, she still has the right to decide the life and death of Su Yi!

Muling, who is greedy and fearful of death, and who is eager for power, will never give up a family for a woman!

Unfortunately, sometimes, there can't be too many self-righteous ideas.

Muling is indeed ruthless and inexplicable, but for the past 20 years, the only women he has had are Su Yi and Chen.

Tan Shuangshuang is the exception! Not what he wants.

He is also greedy for power.

But he is greedy for power, and he will only let his children marry and sell their happiness, but they will never give up their happiness.

After all, the two women he had had were orphans without background. It was normal to marry other young ladies with the strength of Muling.

If it is this life, there is no Chen contempt... Maybe, Muling will not become a scum!

That's what life is, he is destined to be worthy of possession.

"Happiness..." Muling's tone was softer, and his eyes were pleading. "I am willing to forgive all the contempt, I will carry her to my wife, I only ask you... Mujia."


In this quiet Mujia compound, his knees fell heavily and fell to the ground.

For him now, Madame Zheng, is just a name.

Don't say that he is no longer humane. Even if he can, he can't forgive her.

(End of this chapter)

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