Chapter 1212 is all coming (3)

Twenty years ago, the day of the first encounter.

She was bruised and bruised with a child.

And it... was abandoned, hiding alone in the mountains to heal.

Two people who are sympathetic to each other have seen the countless difficult years together.

It does not allow anyone to hurt her!

Its plain clothes are the ones who enjoy all the good things in the world.

Bai Feng’s body is shaking, I don’t know if the wound is too painful, or... panic.

It can't be imagined, if it arrives at a late moment, that punches on the plain clothes, how can her delicate body survive?

Fortunately... Fortunately, it’s coming, the clothes will not be hurt, it’s good...

"White Phoenix..."

Suyi forgets how long she has not fallen in tears, as if she left with the South String, she never cried again.

Now, seeing Bai Feng, who is in front of her, she is sour, her tears can't stop flowing.

Bai Feng panicked, and quickly wiped her tears with her wings: "Suyi, you used to say that I love to cry, how do you cry? You don't cry, I don't hurt, really not at all. It hurts, I am strong, can protect the plain clothes, and the southern string protects the small protective clothing."

"Who made you come?" Suyi turned his head and asked.

Bai Feng succumbed: "I miss you, where is the place where I go, I want to go somewhere, the South String is chasing a small dump, I can chase you."

It felt that his suggestion was already obvious. He did not understand the plain clothes. It touched Bai Feng’s head: "The world all said that pets are sticky, and even the phoenix is ​​the same."


Bai Feng’s expression is stiff, it’s not a pet, no! It is the phoenix to be the South String!

"What about my family?"

In the sky, a dragon scream came, and the black dragon's anxious eyes looked around the bottom, but did not see the figure that he wanted to see.

"Where did the wild man hide my family? I want to save a hero and save my family. Why didn't God give me this opportunity?"

Bai Feng ignored the roaring black dragon on the top of his head. It wiped the tears of Suyi again: "Suyi, the little dumping family also came, we met halfway, so we went together."

The white phoenix and the black dragon are good spirits. After flying, the flying speed is extremely fast. Just happened to meet the Feng Tian Yu couple who rushed to this side, and they brought it together.

The plain clothes were smashed, and when they looked up, they saw two people standing on the back of the black dragon.

After seeing the Qin dynasty, Nalan smoke can no longer receive her gaze, and even even all the people around her have been ignored by her...

The Qin dynasty also looked up, and the black scorpion confronted the two men on the back of the black dragon.

Thinking of the two men are the parents of the wind, his look has improved a lot.

It is a pity that there is no time for them to retell the old ones. The masters behind Mu Huan have once again acted, and they rushed to the Qin and other people.

"Hey!" Nalan smoke changed his face.

Feng Tian Yu was so angry that he jumped from the back of the black dragon and swooped in the direction of Qin.

The black dragon looked at the Qin dynasty, and looked at the Feng Tian Yu, who was rushing down. He also quickly chased him up and asked: "Aunt, who is the ... son?"

Bai Feng said that these two people are the parents of Xiao Jiujiu. Well, that is equivalent to his parents. He has to respect them.

(End of this chapter)

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