The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1215: No regrets in the wind, Tianya (3)

Chapter 1215, no regrets, no end of the world (3)

Quiet back mountain, there is only one person left.


A lonely.

"One year..." Gu began his eyes. "The time has passed so fast. Since your mother passed away, I have never been separated from you for so long. After all, in this world, only our father is left. The two women are dependent on each other."

"I know that you don't want to marry, but you couldn't cultivate because of obesity. It's too late to catch up. I have too many enemies. In this God's House, you only know that I am afraid that I will fear me, but I don't know if they are given opportunities. I can’t wait to break my body.”

"One by one... The father only wants to find someone to protect you. That's all. No matter who the person is, I just hope that someone can replace me and hurt you to love you forever."

He never really wants to force her to marry, he only wants to... find someone to protect her for her life.

But that person will not be the wind!

The wind is like a hoe. Although it is very good for one, she will not stay in this place forever. One day, she will step into another place. One strength is not strong, she can never be with her. .

If you change to a husband, it will be different... If you are a husband and wife, she can naturally follow forever.

"The wind is like a wind...The wind is strong...the regrets..."

No one knows that the man who pulled Gu from the abyss many years ago is no regrets!

And his other name is the shocking world, everyone is at risk and fear - the end of the world!

That year, when he was born, his wife was killed. In his anger, one person single-handedly entered the other family and planned to go with them.

At that time, he had no other thoughts in his heart. He only wanted revenge, even if he paid the price of life!


For those who in the invisible world, those who indiscriminately kill innocent people, they also hated the end of the world, and saved him with the desire to return.

He told him that it is the most unwise to go with the enemy. Only when he is strong enough can he avenge his wife.

Later, Tianya left.

After that, he took over the ones that were entrusted to others for care. One person took her, tried his best, and finally avenged his wife.

Xu was influenced by the end of the world. For many years, he had always hated those who were deceiving, even because he could not understand the arrogance of his predecessor, and killed him as the owner...

But when he wanted to look for the whereabouts of the horizon again, he realized that after he had saved him from the beginning of the world, he had already been forced into a place that could never be stepped out again.

"The people of Tenjinfu don't understand why I want to be so preferential. If it is not the end of the world, I am afraid I won't know Luojia, and I will not save the Luo family who was oppressed that year."

Gu’s mouth hangs in a shallow arc.

Tianya only saved him once, but it was that time, let him fight out of despair.

For the daughter, he must be full of hope!

"Unfortunately, Luo Fei didn't know anything, Luo Jia's wife... The mouth is very tight, so good, if it is not his mouth, afraid that the enemy of the end of the world, have already entered the Liuyun country, where come Is the current cloud country a peaceful life?"

It is also true that he spent so many years to find the home of the world.

No regrets...

Hahaha, just like that year, he advised him that no matter what he does, he must worry about the cause and effect, and if he has no regrets, he will never regret it.

(End of this chapter)

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