The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1236: The wind is like a sacred, holy warrior (seven)

Chapter 1236 is the wind, the holy warrior (seven)

If there is a big black, they may still be afraid of a few points, but the **** to leave with He Xin, they have followed, and the rest of these people, they are not in the eye.

"He Xin adults have left, this place in the future is the world of our two brothers."

The two sages of the sages looked at each other and turned to the people in front of the Mujiamen.

"If you are obedient, choose to surrender to me, maybe you will still save a life, if you do not obey our orders... the only way to end!"

Feng Tianyu gripped Nalan’s hand tightly.

The eyes of the two people are relatively determined from the other side's eyes.

Bai Feng subconsciously blocked in front of Suyi, hoping that her body could block all the damage for her.

"Two adults," Qin Li panicked, and rushed to the front of the two high-ranking saints. "What about our Qin family? Before us-"

"Get out! Nothing!"

One of the saints dressed in green robes picked up Qin Li and slammed him out.

"He Xin adults are looking at your daughter's share, and I plan to pull you Qin family. For us, what is your Qin family? A bunch of useless goods!"

Qin Liyi, he hurried to Qin Qiner to make a look.

Qin Xiaoer’s body is shaking, as if he did not see Qin Li’s eyes.

Without a father, I don't like my daughter.

Even the selfish Qin Li is the same.

However, Qin Li is selfish. He knows what he wants more. For this reason, he will not care if he sacrifices anyone.

"Two adults, as long as you can help us Qin... I am willing to let my nephew serve two adults."

"Hey!" Qin Yuer screamed, and she trembled. "You know clearly, I know that there is only one person I want to marry in my life. Why do you do it? Why? I am your daughter, yours. Daughter!"

Who knows, facing the charm of Qin Li, the two men only looked at it without being cold or not.

The Qingpao people sneered: "He Xin said that the elixir that your daughter took will make her age, and we have no medicine to restore her youth. Do you think we will want a wife to step out? I guess Not long after, she will be whitish, wrinkled, and look disgusting."

What's more, they are different from He Xin adults.

He Xin pity and cherish jade, and what they want is always a power position.

Women don't matter.

Qin Li’s body was awkward and almost fell to the ground.

He has some regrets.

Regret to let the child take the medicine.

If... If it’s not Qin, then the child is also a high-ranking sage, how can he be so passive?

Yes, all this, all blame Qin.

"Qin Hao, you are a white-eyed wolf. You have made my Qin family harmful. In the future, you will have to bear the nickname of the world, your ungrateful East..."

Nalan smoked a slap in the face, and said with a blank expression: "Are you to try again?"

"Ha ha ha!" Qin Li laughed twice. "You want to excuse him. It is useless. He was originally rescued by my Qin family. It is impossible to be your child! He is a white-eyed wolf! It is cast aside by the world." !"

This time, if Qin Jia is in danger of escaping, this group of people will not be better either!

Don't mention that these saints will not let them go, just those nicknames are enough for them to bear a lifetime!


Ps: I have something to do at night. Today, I specially got up early to write the chapters~ Don't wait at night.

I sent seven chapters today, love you~

(End of this chapter)

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