The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1244: a girl who walks in the moonlight (2)

Chapter 1224, a girl who walks in the moonlight (2)

After saying this, the wind turned back and looked back at the door of the Luo family, which was blown away.

Then she left without returning.

She left the girl holding the little fox, standing not far away, staring at the back of her quietly disappearing.

Somehow, looking at the girl's figure, she was exceptionally secure.

just like……

As long as she is back, nothing will be done.

"Grandma, let's go to the government."

Lori finally looked at the direction of the wind as she disappeared, and slowly turned around. She supported Mrs. Luo and took a firm step and walked slowly toward the government.



The door has been stained with blood, and the face of the young Qin Qin is covered with bright red blood.

He raised his hand and touched the blood on his face, and the long sword in his hand showed a sharp light.

The high-level of the two holy warriors could not stand, and they were like lightning and sharp swords. In an instant, they had already arrived in front of Qin.


Nalan smoke was shocked. She smashed the head of the person in front of her sword and rushed to Qin.

The sword in his hand is also neat.

Who knows that the speed of the person is one step faster, and suddenly slammed into Nalan, right in the middle of her chest.

Nalan smoked a spurt of blood, and her face was pale and she took a few steps back. Her hand was tightly clutching her chest and her face was unusually ugly.

"Smoke, how are you?" Feng Tianyu’s concern fell on Nalan’s body and asked.

Nalan smoked his head: "Nothing, don't worry about me, protect your nephew,"

She has already owed too much to Qin, and she must not be hurt any more.

Another high-ranking sacred warrior on the sky rushed toward Suyi.

This time, Muling did not hesitate to want to go forward, but his speed is not as good as Bai Feng.

Bai Feng used the wings to protect the clothing in his arms, and wrapped her whole body tightly, and jumped into the void, avoiding the fierce blow of the holy warrior.

Looking at Su Yi's heart and accepting the protection of Bai Feng, Mu Ling's face is very embarrassing, just like a thing that belongs to him, the hard-born is taken away.

But he also knows that it is not the time for him to compete with Bai Feng.

It is the most important thing to deal with these people in front of you...

The sky is dull.

The surging killings are not reduced.

The blood on the earth has dried up, and the bodies are everywhere.

There are no pedestrians on the street! Quiet can only hear the sound of swords and swords.

at this time……

The holy warrior has jumped into the eyes of the Nalan smoke couple. His gaze is like watching two dead people with a scornful smile on his lips.

But his long sword, there is no chance to kneel down, the original dark sky above, and a huge shadow, shrouded his body.

The saints suddenly stunned and looked up at the moment when they only noticed that a giant pot was covered and instantly pressed his body.

The sound of strangulation stopped short.

Everyone stopped subconsciously and turned slowly.

At that moment, I only felt a coolness broke into their heart, and the body was cold and could not move.

Nalan’s haze looked up, and her gaze went, and a familiar figure walked slowly through the moonlight.

A red dress, domineering.

It seems that time will stop, and the whole world will be quiet.

Qin Yuer’s palms are dead and dying. Her unwilling and hateful eyes are tightly wrapped around the girl under the moon, and even the breathing is a bit heavy.

Ps: I will write some more in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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