The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1250: Mu Ling's pleading (2)

Chapter 1250 Muling's Courtesy (2)

The wind continues to approach, and the red dress has no wind and self-improvement, and the face is expressionless: "Is he abducting my house?"

"It's big black, not big gray," Bai Fengyi corrected in his words. "How can you even distinguish the name of your pet? There is a **** who has taken him away, not because he has turned away."

The wind did not take care of Bai Feng, and continued: "Since He Xin has injured my family and ran away, who brought him, who will pay it back! Small pot, give me a slap! Don't suddenly Kill me!"

The giant pot slammed and vomited the green robes in the pot, and immediately flew to Mu Huan, and slammed down.

It didn't use too much strength, and it was afraid that it would be played by people at once, but for this giant pot that can be directly mashed into a patties, even a very small force is not a good gift. Sustained.

Chen Guangyu panicked and looked at the giant pot of Mu Huan. Her heart was full of anxiety: "Happiness!"

Yes, she is a patriarchal, more like Mu Xi.

Huan is also her daughter.

She is willing to let her daughter devote herself, but without a mother, she can watch the child die.

At this moment, Mu Xi, has been hiding in the dark, trying to reduce his sense of existence, for fear that it will be seen by the wind.

His eyes kept thinking about how to escape from this place, and he simply ignored the joys that were struggling under the giant pot.


Mu Huan’s voice was tearing her heart, and she was holding her head in a painful manner. However, no matter how she escaped, it was impossible to have a giant pot.

Chen light heartache, she rushed to Muling's leg, crying and tearing heart.

"Ling Ge, I am wrong, I know it is wrong, but I have thousands of mistakes, it is my fault, I beg you to let her let go of joy, joy is your bloodline."

How can you bear it, she is so hurt.

Muling clenched his fists tightly.

Chen said that it is true that no matter what mistakes she made, she could not change the fact that Mu Huan was her daughter.

He hated to admire his elbows and turned away. He even hated Huo Huan and almost let the family destroy.

Can be happy... is his daughter!

The child made a big mistake, he would be angry, angry, and would drive her out of the family.

The only thing I can't bear is that she just lost her life...


He turned his head and wanted to let Su Yi help him.

As long as the plain clothes are open, the wind may fall over Mu Huan.

Bai Feng was angry, and he was only in front of Suyi, blocking Mu Ling’s gaze.

"She is your daughter, not a plain clothes! In the past, Chen Lijun wanted to kill the South String. That is to say, Chen Lijun is the enemy of the plain clothes. Why did she let go of the daughter of the enemy? Our family is dressed, although The heart is kind, but she is also divided. She is not kind to Chen Deyi."

"If it is me, my other daughters have offended the clothes, then I am absolutely... oh, I don't have a daughter. I can't have other people's daughters in this life. I am absolutely not with you." the same!"

Well, if he has a daughter, he can only be a plain clothes.

He only likes plain clothes.

Bai Feng looked at the plain clothes carefully. When he saw that there was still no expression on the face of Su Yi, his heart was quite disappointed.

He wants Suyi to understand his heart and some fear that she knows.

This feeling is too contradictory...

Muling’s face was stiff and stiff, and he looked at the plain clothes with a praying look.

Ps: I am still writing, I am flustered. I am sending two chapters first. Today is not two chapters, but it will be written late. The girls will sleep first and they will be able to see it tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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