Chapter 1260 Truth (2)

"Warm rain, you shut me up!"

Qin Li’s eyes were red, and the drums were full of strength.

This cockroach exhausted all his strength, and his body was shaking.

The wind did not hesitate, stepping on Qin Li’s mouth, and she turned to Wen Yu: “If you don’t want to bear the criminal law, you will tell me everything.”

The warm rain trembled.

Death is not terrible, terrible is... life is better than death.

Even if the warm rain is like a hate on the wind, I don't dare to resist her at this time.

Only because of the warm rain, if the wind is said, it will certainly be done.

"I said, I said all the time, the fortune teller told us that in the eastern part of the Liuyun country, there is a newborn baby. In the future, he can save my daughter... Qin Li will send people to go from that place. Qin Hao gave it a steal."

"Qin Xi's blood is special. If he becomes a drug person, it is a treasure, which can save lives. So...we only stole Qin."

The wind slammed into the ground and turned the warm rain to the ground.

The eyes of the warm and rainy eyes burst out. She coughed twice and paled a face: "I have already said, what do you want?"

The wind sneered and said: "You have said too much!"

At that moment, the whole face of Wen Yu lost his blood, and his lips trembled and could not say a word.

Yes, she did use a careful machine, just to let people know the use of Qin Yu, in the future there will be someone coming to pick up Qin Qin.

But she didn't expect it to be discovered by the wind so quickly...

Ms. Mu’s face went to the face of Wen Yu with no expression: “The blood of Qin Biao is special, it can only alleviate the condition and cannot cure it. Otherwise, why is your daughter so good for so many years?”

The warm rained lips trembled and could not say a word.

"And... my situation is more serious than your daughter. At least your daughter is only weak and sick, but I almost stepped into the ghost gate, even unconscious, and the strength is retrogressive."

This is the first time that Mu’s father has been in the face of these people, acknowledging his retreat in strength.

Wen Yu looked up and looked at the old man.

Mu old man smiled coldly: "But now, I have not only recovered, but also returned to the past, and even more, there is a trend of faint breakthrough. Do you know why?"

Warm and rainy, can't say a word.

"Because..." Mu, the old man paused, "because the wind is pouring."

Yes, because this grandson who was brought back by her grandson not only saved him but also saved the family.

She is the benefactor of the family.

The warmth of the eyes is even more dazed, and I don’t understand what the old man said.

"Oh, yes, you should know? Qin Hao... Oh no, the wind and the small dump are twins, born on the same day, at the same time, at the same place, even... the same household..."

The body of Wen Yu froze, and her eyes were filled with turbulent waves, staring at the old man.

At the beginning, she thought that the person pointed out by the master was Qin.

Because Qin family saw the first sight of Qin Lan, he knew his special blood.

When he was born, the blood was sweet, and with the scent of medicine, it was the most suitable medicine.

After bringing him back to the Qin family, they used a method to completely cover up the blood of his blood, but his blood can still have the effect of saving people and healing diseases...

(End of this chapter)

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