The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1322: Do not allow anyone to bully her (2)

Chapter 1322 does not allow anyone to bully her (2)

Zong Fu’s face was a bit ugly. He didn’t expect to take a step back. As a result, Feng Tian Yu was still so ignorant.

However, Zong Fugang wanted to be angry, and suddenly he saw the eyes of Gu Shizhen, and all his anger had to endure.

There are so many people, I am afraid of you, is it not?

When all the people thought that Zong Fu would not continue to endure this time, I saw Zong Fu’s mouth smacked, and the voice was helpless: “The wind son, step back and the sky... Why bother with a little girl?”

The implication is that if you have a big man and a little girl, don’t you be afraid of losing your face?


A warm voice came from behind the wind Tian Yu.

When Feng Tianyu turned around, I saw that the wind had already walked toward him.

The girl's face is smiling, but her eyes are filled with light that people can't understand.

"Between me and Qin Yuer, I have a deep hatred! So, here, I will deal with it."

Fengtianyu frowned, and some disapproved of the wind as saying: "The people who have a deep hatred and hate with Qin Qin are not just you, but our family! That is the **** sea enmity!"

The blood of the sea!

If there is really a deep hatred, the average person will never use it to describe it.

Therefore, in an instant, on the conference floor, all eyes were gathered on Qin's body.

"Is this Qin Yuer not the righteous daughter of the patriarch? What is her **** vengeance?"

"Maybe there is any misunderstanding in this? Qin Xiaoer seems to be soft and weak. A woman like her can only do the kind of climbing bed in Miss Gu’s mouth. Nothing else can be done. ”

"If it is really misunderstood, it will be fine to say it. Even if you look at the face of the medicinal medicinal tract, you can't be so arrogant at the conference..."

Zong Fu is a hero, he cherishes the hero is not wrong.

After all, Feng Tianyu has the courage to face such a huge thing as the **** Yao Zong for his daughter.


Feng Tianyu is so unreasonable, it is not a hero. If they stand on the position of Zong Fu, they may not be able to do so.

"What misunderstanding?" Zong Yi sneered, his scornful eyes turned to the wind.

His words are too fast, and it’s too late to stop Zong Fu...

"All this is because of this man behind the Fengyun House!" Zong Yi's gaze condensed to Qin Lan, with a hate and disgust in his eyes. "This man is the adopted son of the Qin family. He almost died outside. The family took him and gave him a life. He also treated the savior like this! You can also laugh at what blood and sea is deep..."

The wind didn't know when to pick up a brick from the ground, padded the weight of the cushion, and slammed it on the head of Zong Yi.

His last word has not yet fallen, and the whole world has become clean.

The wind patted the clap, and the smiling eyes turned to the stunned Zong Yi.

"What else do you want to say? I will give you a chance now, you can all say it."

Everyone is covered with black lines.

This friendship has already fainted, what do you want him to say?


Zong Fuxian was stunned for three seconds, and immediately rushed to the side of Zong Yi with the fastest speed. He raised his body on the ground, staring at the blood from the man's head, and his eyes gradually became red.

(End of this chapter)

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