The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1375: Wolf miserable Xiaoqing (1)

Chapter 1375 Wolf Miserable Xiaoqing (1)

"Three months later."


Feng Tian Yu always felt very wrong. After her daughter had a national teacher, she had already abandoned his guilty conscience. In her heart, only the national teacher was left.

It can be biased, facing the wind, and he can't say anything if he refuses.

"You will let the South String leave first. After three months, I will give you a grand wedding."

This is already his last concession.

At least during these three months, he didn't want to see the **** who had abducted his own baby daughter!

Nanxian smiled lightly.

He walked to the side of the wind, and the beautiful face of the fairy seemed to envelope the warm light: "I will go to the Princess House to wait for you later."

"Good." The wind said with a slight smile.

The father is already angry enough. If the national teacher is staying, I am afraid that he will be mad at death.

Nanxian looked up and faced Feng Tianyu: "In these ten years, I have been taking care of you. From now on, I will take care of her and my child in the belly instead of letting her suffer again. hurt."

In any case, Feng Tian Yu is a father of the wind, and Nan Xian is very respectful to his tone.

He also hopes that Feng Tianyu can see his determination, and after March, he will hand over the hand to her hand.

After leaving this guarantee, Nanxian only turned around and walked outside the Golden Temple.

Feng Tianyu was out of breath, and pointed at the South String: "Smoke, you see no, Guoshi, he still provoked me, he even challenged me!"

This confession, so provocative to him before leaving, clearly does not put him in the eyes of this!

Nalan smoke is arrogant for the wind and the sky: "No problem, anyway, the wedding ceremony is prepared by us. It is a big deal. We deliberately delay for a while, let him worry, oh, yes, don't let this know." Don't be too happy."

The wind that is silent is like a tilt: "..."

Can you not say such a terrible thing in front of her party?

"Father, mother," the wind is slowing down, "I am not early, I will go back first."

After she left this, she went to the Golden Temple and chased the pace of the national division.

The wind also followed and disappeared on the temple.


The inner courtyard of the palace.

The building is deep.

As the wind just went out, a clear voice came from the rear.

Also with the sense of youthful youth.

"Dumping -"

The wind was like a step forward, and she looked back and saw the teenager standing in front of her.

The young looks beautiful, a pink scar was placed under his eyes, because the age has been long, the color has long been very light.

His pair of scorpions are as clear as water, as if they can see their reflection from his eyes.

"Well, if you didn't accompany your father, how could you follow me?"

The wind suddenly came forward, raising his hand and hugging the wind.

The wind was like a glimpse, and her hand was placed on the windy back.

"Dipping, I have been thinking, have we ever known, otherwise... Why is there a me in my dreams, and there is an identical one."

"But I know that no matter what happens, as long as you are well-being, sick and disaster-free, everything is enough..."

"Hey..." The wind trembled as the heart swayed, and she looked up at the teenager in front of her.

The teenager smiles like a sun.

It seems that it is only in front of her.

"If he bullies you in the future..." The young boy said, "I will let myself be robbed, and I will certainly avenge you! No one can bully you, no one!"

(End of this chapter)

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