The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1386: Liu family farce (eight)

Chapter 1386 Liu Jia farce (eight)

"..." Jiuyue's face has changed. "Only, some of the disciples of our spiritual gods were peeking at this painting. I was taken over by me. I haven't had time to destroy it. You are here."


Hu Qing did not agree with the sound, carefully spread the portrait.

The painting is a pair of monks.

The girl is absolutely beautiful, and the style is perfect, but Hu Qing is full of anger.

The man's white robe is like snow, cold and elegant, beautiful like an ink painting.

Hu Qing picked up his eyes: "Is this kid?"

"Hua Qinggong, do you know him?"

"It’s just to know!" Hu Qing gritted his teeth.

At the beginning, his fiancee ran with the nine emperors. He looked for the nine emperors to settle accounts. The **** stopped him, not only slammed him, but also threw him into the hall!

This is a shameful shame!

The two of them want to get married? Oh, I don't think about it!

He will never let these two people be better!

Hu Qing tore the portraits in his hands into pieces, and the pieces were scattered with the wind and scattered on the ground.

"What is your name?" Hu Qing is looking down on Jiuyue.

Jiuyue smiled with a charming face: "I am named Jiuyue."

"The mountain of Jiuyue, huh, huh, a kind of scorpion, but also take such a name, but it does not matter, in the future you will be a good officer for me, the natural benefits will be indispensable to you, your enemies, I will also be cleaned together."

Originally heard the words in front of Hu Qing, Jiu Yue's smile could not be hanged, but the next sentence, but let him endure all the grievances, smile even more.

"Thank you for Hu Qinggong..."

Hu Qing nodded slightly, very satisfied: "The female disciple of this spiritual **** should be quite a lot, you find some of the most beautiful to send to my room."

Jiuyue lived.

Although it is no problem to send a few female disciples, Hu Qing’s body is the body of his own old man.

Even if it is lascivious, it will not be shot to the disciples under the door, so as not to damage his prestige. If Hu Qing is doing this with the old man’s shell, the reputation of his life will be destroyed...

Soon Jiu Yue will return to God.

After all, the father is dead, and the dead person will still care about what is known?

Nowadays... it is the most important thing to hold this spiritual door and to be himself.

"Yes, Huqing Gongzi, I will do it for you later," Jiu Yue paused and said, "But before the people, can I still call you a blasphemy? Don't let other people in Lingshenmen find clues."

"Trouble," Hu Qing frowned. "What are they doing? What I have is the strength to let them surrender. I will immediately choose a female disciple!"

"Yes, Huqing Gongzi."

Jiuyue smirked.

When he walked out of the lobby, his face sank immediately.

For so many years, he has never suffered such humiliation and must face others to bow down.

If his father is not dead, he will not be so miserable.

And all of this is the result of the nine 溟 and the wind!

He will never let them go!

Jiu Yue took a deep breath and he turned his head and looked at the old man in the lobby. He immediately turned and disappeared into the bright sunshine.

But the sun is shining again, and it can't dispel the haze in his heart.

However, Jiu Yue deeply understands that he can only bear with it now, and in the future... there will be a chance to turn over!


In the lobby, Hu Qing turned back, cold and proud eyes gazing at the direction of the disappearance of Jiuyue, with a sarcastic arc in the corner of his mouth.

He knows that this kid is only superficially surrendered, but it doesn't matter. He only needs a person who goes out to work for him. Does he really surrender to him, it doesn't matter...

Obediently obedient, disobedient... Killing is!

(End of this chapter)

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