The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1396: Wedding ceremony (2)

Chapter 1396 Wedding Victims (2)

Hu Qing’s face is slightly condensed. This **** has already chased him all the way. He is not too tired, he feels tired!

However, Hu Qing had no time to consider. When he jumped, he rushed into the void and escaped the attack of the South String.

"Everything that the nine emperors have encountered now is sinful! Right, those who are at the door of the spiritual **** have already arrived in the country of the cloud... And this time, you will lose her forever, hahaha!"

The **** of the nine emperors, when he turned around so many girls around him, his face was lost.

Today, he will return all the pain he suffered at the beginning to her!

Do not!

This is not enough! He will not only let the wind lose his love, but he will let the world woman never love her again!

When he thought of the people in the Yunyun country who loved the wind, he hated to gnash his teeth.

Before the wind appeared, he was the one that shines brightly. It is the wind that has taken away the glory that belongs to him! Then he will definitely take all of them back!

The man raised his pace and walked toward Huqing.

Every time he walks one step, his whole body will be strong and strong, and an ink hair dances in the wind, and the beauty is amazing, like a moon.

"I promised her, on the day of the wedding, I will go back with Qinghan!"

"And now..." Nanxian looked up and looked blank. "Time is still there..."


All the momentum is venting, the heavens and the earth are gloomy, the moon is colorless, the wind is chilly with the bones, like a knife, enough to make people late.

There are two hours left in the wedding ceremony.

If you go back now, then you still have time...

He must go back, not only because of this wedding ceremony, but also because of his dreams, and because his favorite girl in this life, he is still waiting for him in the country!


at the same time.

Within the first floor.

In the wing room, the man lying in bed suddenly opened his eyes, his face is beautiful, unparalleled, and a pair of scorpions, faintly revealing the cold light.

Slowly, he stood up from the bed and walked toward the outside of the wing.

A hairy hair, fluttering in the wind, his evil face with a cold, and walked out of the room.

"The son?"

The management on the first floor looked at the nine squats coming out of the wing and hurriedly screamed.

Jiuyi did not hear, but passed by the management, and did not even look at him.

When I was in charge of the matter, I flashed a glimpse of my eyes. Somehow, I always felt that after the son woke up, there seemed to be something different.


He really has no way of knowing what is different...


City gates.

The smoke of the war filled the blood, and the blood stained the ancient road. Even the sun on the horizon was red and bright, like red blood.

The people of the Imperial City had long been dismissed, and the beasts led the soldiers of the Nalan family to rush into the crowd.

I don't know when the number of the other party is increasing, but the people at the gate of the city have not had much energy.

at this time……

A sneer came, with ridicule and contempt.

"When are the people of the spiritual gods, when are they placed on the rules and disregard of the mainland? They are ordinary people who bring people to mutilate these worldly circles."

In the void, Gu began to hold his back with one hand, calmly standing, his lips sneer, his eyes cold and arrogant looking down on the people who were smashing.

The young man who stopped the head stopped his movements. He said coldly: "My grandfather had a great experience a few days ago. Therefore, our spiritual gods are no longer the spiritual gods. If we have enough strength. That is, Heaven will be afraid of three points, why should we fear those rules?"

(End of this chapter)

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