The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1411: Angry Huqing (1)

Chapter 1411 Angry Huqing (1)

At night, the woman has broken through to the holy warrior...

But she is just a holy warrior.

I don't know what she thinks, just because she can... can live the whole spiritual door?

However, without waiting for the night to open again and again, countless powerful forces suddenly flowed in, and the situation was like a broken bamboo. In the blink of an eye, it was already in front of us...

The face of the night is slightly stiff, why didn't the door owner tell him that there are other saints in addition to the wind?

and many more……

Why do some sacred warriors... seem familiar?

The wind rises like a hand, and a huge figure rushes from the sky outside the temple. With a bang, the door inside the temple is torn apart.

When the night rises stiffly and falls into his shackles, it is a giant pot. This pot can accommodate countless people, but it is turned into a big slap in the moment of the wind. In her palm.

"Wind girl..."

Xuanwu Guojun’s face was smirked and stunned, and even his expressions were flattering.

The wind blew the twilight and swept the eyes of the basaltic monarch. The look calmed: "Is it finally back?"

The face of the Xuanwu monarch is a bit stiff, although it is wrong to escape after he left the drug pharmacy on the same day, but is he not caught back? By the way, he also found other monarchs who had been exiled to the mainland that year.

The wind girl can't see forgive him when he knows what to do.

"Don't run again next time, I interrupt your leg!"

The wind snorted.

This basaltic king is not weak, but he is as timid as a mouse. He is afraid to stay in Liuyun, and he will offend Huqing, but he does not dare to violate her. Therefore, he just took the opportunity to escape...

Ha ha……

Even if he fled to the ends of the earth, she would bring him back, and she also had a way to make him obedient!


The small pot made a squeaking sound, scared the face of Xuanwu Guojun was white, and the body stood straight and did not dare to talk.

In addition to the basaltic monarch, the other monarchs did not change their colors, standing calmly and looking at the wind with respect.

"What are these things going on?"

At night, he clenched his fists and his eyes swept over the faces of those familiar with him.

Among the players in the field, apart from exiling the monarchs in the mainland, there are some...he is known to him.

Not long ago, he also worked with them!

But now... these people stand in front of the wind with respect and respect, and the eyes are filled with light that he can't understand.

“Peace?” Feng Tianyu’s doubts turned to the wind.

The wind laughed like a sigh: "It seems that the battle at the gate of the city is over."

These are the people who first entered the city gate.

Even if the small pot came back, this battle... It didn’t take long for it to start, and it’s almost over.

The wind is like a long sword in the hands of the cold, step by step: "Where is Huqing?"

"I don't know what you are talking about, I don't know anything about Huqing!"

In this sentence, he said that it is true that he does not know Hu Qing.

After all, Hu Qing is the identity of the main door of the spiritual god.

"But..." The night sneered, "Do you think that you can defeat us like this? Hahaha! Nanxian and Jiuyi are not in the country, I see this time, who else can protect you!"

Raise your hand and take out a rune at night.

(End of this chapter)

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