The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1418: Nanxian back (1)

Chapter 1418, South Strings Back (1)

But just in time, Huqing will have to rush to the moment of the wind...

Countless vines came from the rear, and instantly entangled Hu Qing’s body.

The fire of Hu Qing’s body burned on the vine, but the vine did not loosen, like a rope, and firmly held him.

The wind was like a sigh, she lifted her eyes slightly, and the line of sight followed the vines. In an instant, the two big and small people fell into her eyes...

Xiao Qinghan rushed in from the door. Her little body was soft and straight, and she directly plunged into the arms of the wind.

Even the sound is tender and lovely, soft.

"Mother, I am back."

Since Xiao Qinghan’s disappearance, the wind has never been put down. Now that she sees this little thing safe and sound, she finally breathes a sigh of relief and raises her hand to hold the little girl in her arms. Bring a light curvature.

"You're back."

that's nice……

Her green culvert is safe and sound.

Immediately, the wind raised her throat, and her eyes stared at the man who entered from outside the temple.

The man is white and wins the snow.

If he does not eat the celestial fireworks, the beauty is extraordinary, just like the only one on the Yunshan Mountain.

"South String..."

Her gaze, when she saw the man again, could no longer be removed.

The man’s gaze is also staring at her, so affectionate, with gentleness.

"Peace, I am late..."

The wind shook his head like a smile: "It's not too late, because you are coming back."

As long as you are back, it’s not too late...

"If I promised you, I will definitely come back."

The footsteps of Nanxian stopped, his eyes swept over the wind and fell on her lower abdomen.

Today's girl, the lower abdomen has been manifested, even so, the wind is just like the protection of the child in the abdomen, did not let her suffer a little bit of damage.


If it wasn’t for Nanxian and Qinghan, I’m afraid it’s hard to say.

"Mother," Xiao Qinghan cried, "This bad guy just deceived me. He said that the mother is dead, hehe... I can't live without a mother."

The wind plucked her eyes back from the Nanxian body. She saw the tears on Xiaoqinghan’s face, and a chill in her eyelids, lifting her throat, and Han Hansen looked at Huqing.


When Hu Qing tried hard, he broke the vine. His face was ugly, and the light flashed through a cold stalk. The body once swooped into the wind.

The south string raises the hand, pulling the wind into the arms, the sleeves swell a wind, a loud bang, the powerful force spreads from the two people, and the whole hall is smashed by the bang...

Those people around, even unable to withstand this power, flew out.

The wind can always be protected by the South String in the arms, so that under this powerful force, she did not suffer any harm.

"You..." Hu Qing is full of face.

South Changfeng, the dog's legs of the nine emperors of the year, this life, he is still around the nine emperors!

Hu Qing wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and sneered: "I will let you go today, come to Japan, and I will settle with you later."

The strength of the South Changfeng has somehow improved a lot. If he continues, it will not be of any benefit to him.

Anyway, come to Japan, in the future... He has the opportunity to settle accounts with them!

Ps: I am still writing ~

Sorry, I forgot that the woman is pregnant, and recently my brain is not enough. I don’t remember that the woman is pregnant. Hahaha.

(End of this chapter)

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