The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1421: Marriage finalization (3)

Chapter 1421 Marriage Finalization (3)

"National teacher, the wedding ceremony is not over yet, I have been waiting for you to come back."

The man's white clothes passed by the wind and stood in front of the girl.

The moment when the two men looked at each other, like the temperature of the whole world, rose a lot.

In the sky, a beam of sunlight fell, dispelling the dark clouds of the sky, and cast on the pair of monks.

The man’s eyes are cold and warm as ever: “I didn’t have time to change my clothes.”

"It doesn't matter, you are coming."

"I also have time to prepare our wedding room..."

"I have already prepared Qingling and Liuli."

"Then we... start the wedding ceremony?"

"it is good."

A marriage ceremony is just a form. As long as there are too many people preparing for a lifelong relationship, it doesn't matter.


Everyone looked at the pair of dogs and men in front of them, only feeling that they were stuffed with a dog food, which is very uncomfortable!

Have these two people considered the mood of other people?

Fortunately, because of the injury of the dumb woman at the moment, Tang Yin did not think too much about it. Otherwise, she must have to lick the dog man fox in countless times!

Gu Yiyi bit his handkerchief and looked at the South String unwillingly.

But the sight of the wind is all on the South String, and no one else, she can only breathe a sigh of relief.

Anyway, she will become the second singer of the South Strings, and at that time... she has the opportunity to approach the small tilt.

At the thought of this, Gu Yiyi suddenly felt good, and even the shackles of the South String were thrown aside.

After all, the wedding ceremony was still held as expected.

Even though I have missed the time of the Kyrgyzstan, even the halls have been destroyed, and even the groom has not changed.

But this wedding ceremony was completed under the witness of everyone.

Tan Shuangshuang’s weak body squatted on the ground, and his face was as dead.

Because she understands that this time... whether it is the Tenjin House or the Liuyun Country... will not let her go.



It is the wind that falls in the palace before leaving the palace.

Here is where she grew up, symbolizing the best love that Feng Tianyu gave her.

No worries in life.

In the palace, the red yarn man dances.

Nanxian took the wind and walked outside the palace, and she carefully carried it into the bed and slowly placed it on the bed.

"Pang, this wedding ceremony was dragged on for three months, because... I have prepared a surprise for you."


The wind looks like a south chord.

The smile of a man is gentle and elegant, and his beauty is like a fairy.

The moonlight fell from the window and fell on the man's white coat.

The man's fingers passed over the girl's blue silk, his lips were shallow, and his fingers were gently stroked on her lower abdomen.

His other hand was raised, and a porcelain bottle fell into his palm.

The wind was like a glimpse. She raised her hand and took the porcelain bottle handed by the man. She gently opened it. In a flash, a scent of fragrance came to her, so she was refreshed and even comfortable in her stomach. A lot.

"Before, the mother-in-law said that you had a lot of morning sickness, and you often did not obey to fight with people, so I collected this thing, dumping," Nanxian sighed and raised her hand and licked her. Head, "You are so... really hateful."

The wind is holding the porcelain bottle tightly, and the eyebrows are dignified: "Jiuhua Yulu?"

Jiuhua Yulu is an indispensable thing for spiritual medicine, but this kind of thing is too difficult to get, she can't get it yet.

Where did the Nanxian string come from? Still just used to give her a fetus? Is this a bit overkill?

Ps: Ah, I finally got it up.

Before the network volatility broke the network, I have been getting it until now, I finally sent today's chapter, I want to cry o (╥ _ ╥) o

There was always fluctuations in the early morning, and I was dying, but I was connected.

(End of this chapter)

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