The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1425: The Destruction of the Spiritual Gate (4)

Chapter 1425, The Destruction of the Spiritual Door (4)

Inside the spiritual **** door.

The elders who were fighting were all glimpsed, and they looked at the Jiuyue on the ground with a puzzled look.

"Young Master, who is Hu Qing who you just said?"

"When are we in this spiritual door?"

The identity of Huqing is only clear from the beginning to the end of Jiuyue. Others are kept in the drums without knowing.

"How?" The wind laughed lazily. "Don't you still know that the door of the spiritual **** has long been replaced? His body has not changed, but it has already been occupied. This matter, Jiuyue It is estimated to be clearer to anyone, because he was there at the time, and he saw it when he died."

This sentence, in the door of the spiritual god, is like a blue sky, bursting into the air, so that everyone can be somewhat relieved.

Until a half-ring, a spiritual **** elders screamed: "Young master, is she saying that it is true? The doorkeeper is dead? Is it another person to replace the door? Are you there at the time?"

The face of Jiuyue became pale in a flash, his body was shaking, and his eyes were horrified.

Because he saw that everyone in the spiritual door looked at him with angry eyes, and that look was like eating people, so that his heart was shaking.

"Young master, the doorkeeper is your father. How can you not even be indifferent to his father's death? Still letting people occupy his shell and do whatever he wants?"

The elder's face shed tears of pain, and he did not seem to think that Jiuyue could be ruthless to this extent.

The old father died in his hometown, his shell was occupied by people, and he... can still be a dog, no pain.

No wonder...

It is no wonder that after the return of the doorkeeper, the temperament changed greatly, and it turned out to be a female disciple in the door.

It turned out that he was not the doorkeeper they knew...

"Jiu Yue, you are a wolf-hearted thing, you are not as good as a beast!"

"You have harmed the doorkeeper and harmed our entire spiritual god!"

"You are a scourge, sin should die, you are under Jiuquan, and you are not qualified to face the ancestors!"


Faced with the resentment of these resentments, Jiuyue has already been numb, and now he only wants to save this life, even if he is cast aside by thousands of people willingly.

"Wind girl."

Thinking of this, Jiuyue climbed up to the wind in front of the wind, just wanting to reach out and hug her leg, the wind slammed into the past, directly flying Jiuyue to the mile. far.

Jiu Yue did not feel shame at all, and his face still had a flattering smile.

"Wind girl, please forgive me for this dog life, even if it is for me to be a cow, I will be willing."

The wind is like a sloppy head, smiled and looked at Jiuyue: "Unfortunately, I am not lacking cattle and horses, elders of Thundercloud, dogs, what are you doing? Hands-on!"

Under this order, Jiu Yue has no chance to speak.

His whole person was surrounded by many beasts, drowning his heartbreaking cry...

Jiuyue is dead, which is expected.

The people of the Spirit Gate have put down their weapons, turned their heads stiffly, and looked at the wind.

They only hope that this will preserve the foundation of the next door for the spiritual gods...

As for the war...

Before they learned that the owner became Hu Qing, they lost all their fighting spirit.

After all, these enemies in front of us are too strong, even the door is not her opponent, let alone them?

Ps: I thought it would be stable after I went home, but I have to get the publication out for these two days. The time is too fast, and the shop is too upset. I have not slept enough for several days. It is.

I don't want to go so late every day, but there is really no way. I have to go to repair the manuscript right away.

I didn't sleep enough every day, which caused my energy to keep up. I had to write two hours for one hour and two hours for two hours. I didn't dare to write too fast, afraid to write.

I will go back to the manuscript later, because the manuscript is cumbersome but with less brain power. I will give you at least 8,000 words to compensate tomorrow.

I tried to get rid of all the things as early as possible, and I still had more than twenty copies of the manuscript.

It’s too broken. Everything is crowded together~

I really want to have a good night's sleep, o(╥_╥)o

(End of this chapter)

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