The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1429: No regrets in the wind, Tianya (four)

Chapter 1429, no regrets, no end of the world (four)

"You know how much you like to be, so I want to know why."

"There is no reason, don't deal with any spirit beasts of the spirit beasts, I am for you, you..." Suyi’s voice paused. After all, he still sighed helplessly. "You will know later, you Don't let the children know about it, or else it will be dangerous."

My son is still fine, not too impulsive.

You can always be short-sighted and do things without fear.

When I learned about her and Muling, I wanted to rush to find Mu Ling’s account...

What's more... what are those?

"South String, don't let her know if you don't want to be dangerous."

The tone of Suyi is very dignified.

Nanxian decided to see her half-sounding, then loosened her mouth: "Well, I won't let her know."

The plain clothes were relieved with a sigh of relief, and the stones in my heart fell.

"But," the tone of the South Strings is clear and clear. "My wife doesn't need to be so afraid of her feet. She just has to do whatever she wants. I will try to take her to the place where there is no beast, if she really will eventually Dealing with the spirited beasts, I will not limit her too much."

He does not want to limit the freedom of the wind, no matter what, she can do whatever she wants.

And he will inevitably make himself stronger, to indulge her freewheeling and do not need to have any consideration.

Suyi laughed and she understood that this was the last concession that Nanxian was willing to make.

"And..." The line of Nanxian once again fell on the face of Suyi. "I will check it."

If you don't say anything, then I will check it.

I never want to know nothing about everything.

Suyi's heart is tight: "South String!"

"You are my mother, I will protect my wife, and I should protect you naturally. I don't care what you have with that place. I don't care what strength people who bully you, as long as I find it... ..." The string of the south string sneered, "Let's be like Muling!"

A coat of clothing.

When the son grew up, he not only married his wife, but also had the strength to protect her.

But those people...not the South String and the Poor can now deal with it...

Suyi slammed her fists, and she looked at the firm expression of Nanxian, and the clenched fist slowly loosened.

She let her not touch the spirit of the beast, can avoid the first life, but it can not avoid the world.

When she left, she didn't want to go back to that place again, and she didn't want to fight for anything.

She is the same now, I only hope that the family will be able to stay forever, no worries in the world, no disaster in life.

But if... her child is destined to participate?

A light breeze passed, and suddenly Su Su thought a lot.

In this life, she has no desire, if this is the fate that can't escape, then she should take back her own things.

Whether it is for the South String... or for the sake of...

Without going back to the mainland, she is destined to step in again!

"South String, after you have gone, you must pay attention to safety," Su Yi's face is calm and firm. "I will go to you soon."

Nanxian looked at the eye clothes: "Okay."

After the words fell, the mother and the child did not say much.

On the occasion of the Nanxian squatting, I saw the red dress that came not far away.

Suyi also saw the wind coming into the back mountain, and her face returned to the original gentle and gentle, such as the spring breeze.

"Look, you come to the South String?"

(End of this chapter)

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