The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1436: Feng Lianqing (3)

Chapter 1436 Feng Lianqing (3)

In addition to Fu Chen and Qing Han, she only brought a dumb woman.

Even more, she has never told Feng Tianyu where she is going.

After all, listening to mainland rumors, the place is very dangerous, she naturally does not dare to bring her loved ones together, and wait for her to find the wind without regret, then bring him back.

"Come on," the South String turned to look at the wind, like a light breeze. "Pour the way, after going back to the mainland, don't leave me."

"it is good."

The wind responded to him with a smile.

The eyes of the two are separated by the yellow sand, and the beautiful one can never bear to destroy.

Passing through this desert, it is a snow and ice, contrary to the extreme of the yellow sand.

The temperature in the snow is extremely low, and even if it is difficult for the practitioners to enter, it is estimated that only the holy warriors can resist such chills.


The wind looked back and looked at Xiaoya, and found that she did not have any strangeness. She flashed a suspicion in her eyes and passed quickly.

No matter what, Xiaoya is following her with sincerity, this is enough, isn't it?

She will not ask her the past, everyone has their own secrets, anyway, she wants to know, she already knows, no need to ask others.

As long as she does not betray her... it is enough!

"Pang, according to the mother's statement, after going through here, will go to a bridge, jump off the bridge, there is no return to the mainland, at that time, you must grab my hand, do not loosen! Only So, we will not spread out."

"it is good."

The wind clenched the hand of Nanxian, and the face was firm, even the pace was slightly heavy.

Sure enough, she soon saw the bridge.

Under the bridge, there is a bottomless abyss.

If she doesn't trust Su Yi, she is definitely not able to come to this place, and she will not have the courage to jump to the bridge.

"Xiao Ya," the wind slammed the other hand and grabbed Xiaoya's arm. "You don't leave me later."

Xiaoya nodded.

Subsequently, the three of them were already on the bridge.

The wind was slowly closed and closed, and the fingers gently stroked the lower abdomen. After half a ring, she opened her eyes.

She looked at the Nanxian string and jumped off the bridge with no hesitation.


Into the purpose, only a piece of dark!

No wonder no one has found another way to the mainland without going back, because no one will try to jump off the bridge.

The wind can't see where the south string is, but the temperature on the palm makes her understand that the man is always by her side.

She didn't know how long she had been jumping. She only knew that every time she passed a point, her body would drop by one point...


Muling Mountain.

Above the cliffs of the mountains,

A fascinating flower stands up and sways in the breeze.


The little hand was holding a fragrant incense, and they all cried: "The scent of the beast is running out. What should I do? If it is discovered by those spirit beasts, we will definitely die."

This time, in order to prevent her from stopping her from coming to Muling Mountain, the young lady just came with her, and even the guards did not bring it.

Originally they brought enough scent of the beasts, and the lower-level spirits would not find them, but they did not know why, the incense of their hands was inexplicably lost in the middle of the mountain.

These beasts are enough for them to set foot on the mountain, but they are not enough to support them to leave.

"Wait a minute, I will get the fruit soon."

He Lianyue hooked the stone next to one hand and the other hand picked it away from the red fruit on the flower.

Her movements were very cautious, for fear of accidentally falling off the cliff.

(End of this chapter)

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