The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1441: One pregnant three years (1)

Chapter 1441, a pregnant three years (1)

Everyone: "..."

For the first time, they saw that someone would be beaten for granted.

The strength of the old man in Hejia is not strong in the whole family, but he is a family member after all. How can he be allowed to treat him like this?

He wiped the blood from his nose, and his anger looked straight at the wind: "Who are you?"

"I am the father that He Xin can't afford!"

The figure of the girl is like the wind, and in an instant she is in front of the old man of Hejia.

At present, the disciples of the He family have not had time to react, and they have been entangled by the vines. There is no way to help them. They can only watch the girl’s fists squat like rain, and instantly the nose of the old family will be swollen.

Fang Hui was stunned.

This woman... looks beautiful and has a big belly. How can she be so fierce?

Not afraid of slippery tires?

He subconsciously swallowed his mouth and said, "You are all giving me, killing her!"

The wind is like a cold, sweeping, with a chill.

Frightened those people trembled, but still rushed toward the wind...

However, without waiting for those people to get close to the wind, there was a gust of wind slamming through them, and the bodies of those people suddenly flew out and wandered on the ground...

Fang Hui stunned for a moment, and the purpose was a beautiful and unparalleled face.

Men are white like snow, ethereal like a fairy.

That face, I am afraid that the thousands of girls in the world can not be moved.

The man’s clothes are fluttering, the clouds are clear and the wind is light, and the calm standing is standing beside the wind. The cold and the moon-like scorpion gradually turns to those who are rushing again. His shackles are still calm and can’t afford waves...



The powerful force is like a wave, and the roots are not allowed to touch his clothes.

Under this power, the rest of the people are like ants, and they are too small to reach.

"National Division."

The wind is like a pleasing look to the South String: "You are not missing?"

"Well," South String's face was soft and a little bit. "I just had a little distance from you when I fell, but it wasn't too far away. I noticed the fluctuations here and I found it."

"What about Xiaoya?"

"I don't know, she shouldn't be too far away."

They are scattered at the moment of falling. At most, the points that fall are not together, but they are not too far apart.

Otherwise, the South String will not be able to find it so quickly.

The wind is like an eyebrow, and looks at the old man who looks like a black-faced man: "I thought that the strength of He Xin’s family would not be too bad. I didn’t expect it to be worse than Hexin..."

The face of the old man’s head is green.

He is really not strong in the Hejia, but he is the uncle of the owner! How strong is the strength? It is more than enough to deal with a Helian month.

Just did not expect that this woman will appear in the middle, but also take him and He Xinbi.


He Xin is more powerful, and he is only a sideline. Can he compare him to his dear uncle?

"Don't compare me to He Xin's idiot. The idiot that even the cat is bullying is not worthy of being a family member! If it wasn't for his good talent, the **** was already expelled from the family!"

The wind is like a blind eye: "I mean, he hasn't ejected his family yet? Is it still a family member?"

The old man of Hejia is also stupid. After hearing the wind, he replied honestly: "Yes!"

"Oh," the wind nodded as calmly, "I know..."

(End of this chapter)

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