The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1444: Two sisters of He Lianjia (1)

Chapter 1444 Two sisters of the Helian family (1)

Unfortunately, when He was chasing the moon, she had already run without a trace.

He Lianyue lowered his head with frustration, and his face was not very good looking.

Xiao Xiao’s standing on the side: “Miss, do we want to go back and greet the family first? The slaves remember that He Xin seems to have been kept in the dungeon by the Qing Dynasty...”

Seeing that Helianyue did not speak, Xiaoxiao added another sentence: "And if we don't go back in time, maybe those who congratulate the family will still complain to the wicked, maybe they will send someone to find the girl." Miss, we have to hurry to give the fruit to the Qing."

Hearing the words, He Lianyue immediately became full of energy and waved his hand: "Go, go back!"

No city.

It is the main city of the spiritual kingdom.

Within the main city, the major families are closely related and rooted.

As the end of the city to protect the country's generals, it is even holding the military power, even the emperor of the Tianling Kingdom fears him three points, so that in this day, the generals of the world have the supreme right.

He Lianxu, who is the general's left and right arm, naturally occupies a pivotal position. Together with the generals of the End of the World, he loves He Lianyue so much that He Lian's family has a reputation and no one dares to provoke.

At the moment of He Lian's family, He Lianxu was full of anxiety, his expression was anxious, and the whole person was somewhat restless.

"How's it going?"

When someone saw the door coming in, He Lianxu quickly got up and asked, "Can there be news of the girl?"

The person caressed the sleeves and squatted on the ground. He said in a respectful manner: "The owner of the ancestors, the genus just got the news, the second lady left the Supreme City and went to Mulingshan. On this trip, she only took A little one."

The old man's face changed, his eyes were urgent: "She went to Muling Mountain with a donkey? Soon, let everyone in Helian's family go to Mulingshan to find this girl."


The guard Wei Gongdi replied with a sigh and retired.

When the guards retired, the girl waiting to be on the side of her hand was so close, her face was full of worry, but the tone was blamed.

"Grandpa, the second sister is really ignorant this time, how can she go to the place of Mulingshan alone? This is all my sister's discipline is not strict, but also ask Grandpa to punish."

When she said this, she had already walked to the side of He Lianxu, with a painful color in her eyes, half of her knees on the ground, and said with a pumping.

Seeing how Helen Wing looks like this, how can the old man still blame her? He sighed and shook his head. "It doesn't blame you. It's really the moon is too impulsive. You should get up first. This time, when she comes back, I will definitely discipline her!"

This time, he made a decision, and even his eyes were firm.

"Whether the month is going to cause trouble in the city, I will protect her. She is my most painful granddaughter, and there is no father or mother. I don't help her who can help her? However, no city is back." Uptown, this girl doesn't know how dangerous it is to Muling Mountain. Even if she brings the scent of the beast, it may not be able to drive away all the beasts."

He can no longer continue to condone her, it is difficult to ensure that she will not be in danger because of his connivance.

He Lian Ying lowered his eyes and covered the light in his eyes.

She and Herliany are also her granddaughters, and no matter how mischievous, they will always be pampered.

The people of He Lianjia are spoiled by her!

(End of this chapter)

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