The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1448: Is He Lianyue your daughter? (two)

Chapter 1448 Is Helianyue your daughter? (two)

In the middle of the courtyard.

He Lianyu Fei just entered the yard and ran into the woman who walked out quickly.

This woman is graceful and elegant, with a delicate face, wearing a golden step and walking.

Until she saw He Lianyufei, she only paused and stopped: "Xianggong, have you just went to meet Yinger?"

"Well," He Lianyu flew in a faint voice. "She really didn't like this. If she didn't warn her, she didn't know what to provoke, so now the father and the generals have not found her behavior. If they were discovered by them, do you think that this Helian family still has Ningri?"

Mrs. Helen’s face changed slightly. She clenched her fists and even took a heavy breath: “Are you really trying to keep your children safe, or is it... Tian Tian?”

Tian Tian, ​​the wife of He Lianjia Erye, the birth mother of He Lianyue.

In that accident, the couple died, leaving only a single woman.

It is also because of the lack of discipline, the old man is extremely pampered and indulgent, leading to her flying and arrogant arrogance.

He Lian Yufei heard the name that he hadn't heard for a long time. His handsome face swelled down and looked at Mrs. Helen's eyes with a cold heart: "Yue Qin, my younger brother has passed away, what do you mention about her?" significance?"

Yue Qin sneered: "When you like Tian Tian, ​​I saw your brother. You want to let her marry your brother, and you obey the old lady and yell at me."

"After the old lady passed away, you can renew the old feelings of Tian Tian? Can you really warn her to welcome her, or to Tian Tian?" Yue Qin’s face was cold, "You For the deaf daughter to treat your biological daughter like this, you..."

"To shut up!"

He Lianyu screamed with anger, and he clenched his fists. The forehead screamed: "If she is not my biological daughter, do you think she will be licking everything she has done for the month? Yes, I used to like it." Second brother and sister, but after she became my younger brother, I have already died of her, or do you think I will obey the marriage?"

"Who knows if you are secretly Chen Cang, or that He Lianyue is your daughter..."


A slap in the face, directly on the face of Yue Qin.

Her whole face was red and swollen, and her hair was as messy as she was.

"Yue Qin, I warn you, no matter how angry you are, don't insult the second brother and younger sister! They are better than Jin Jian, what other people can get involved?" He Lianyufei is **** red, "Why am I going to Do you really care about this month?"

Yue Qin’s eyes were filled with hatred, and he looked at Helian Yufei coldly.

"I was originally stunned by you. I just wanted to treat you well. But what did you do when you did it?" He Lianyu flew sneer. "Because I used to like my younger siblings, you are right about her." I even suspect that the child in her belly is mine and wants to poison her!"

"Do you think that the younger brother and sister don't know anything? No, she knows everything, but she didn't expose you for a peaceful life. Later, she saved you from the suspicion!" He Lianyufei closed his eyes and half. After the sound, it opened, and the eyes were cold. "The second brother and younger brother, in order to save you and the welcoming children, will be killed in the hands of the enemy..."

Yue Qin body trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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