The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1453: Feng Lianqing (2)

Chapter 1453 Feng Lianqing (2)

"Big brother."

Behind the man, a group of people walked out slowly. Except for the guards, the most eye-catching one was the delicate girl in Tsing Yi.

She walked to the side of the wind and clear, looked down at the lion who fell in the pool of blood, beautiful and scornful: "We still have to go to the Royal Highness, don't waste time for some unrelated people."

Yesterday, His Royal Highness the Queen was missing. The wind was so clear that there was nothing in the city. So, Tianya let him send him to find the little prince.

But this spirit beast mountain range is so big, who knows where the little prince ran, maybe it was swallowed by the spirit beast.

The girl licked her mouth, and she had no good feelings about the tyrannical little fat man. In her view, this scourge should be swallowed by the beast.


When the girl looked up and looked at the two people in front, her eyes stunned and stayed on the beautiful and cold face of the South String, and some could not be removed.

"Lianyi, let's go."

The wind did not pay much attention to clearing up. He just happened to see the beasts of the beasts, and he did not think about the rewards.

"and many more--"

The jumpsuit suddenly called the wind to clear, her eyes always condensed on the body of the South String, never moved again.

"This son, just the wind brother saved you, we are going to do good things to the end, this spirit beast mountain is too dangerous, not as good as you ... and Jing Jing? Just walk with us, so that we can do good things to the end."

Feng Lianqing: "..."

He inexplicably looked at his jumpsuit. This guy is never such a messy person. Is it good to do it? When did she do a good thing?

"No need..."

The south string brow wrinkled, and the words just fell, the wind suddenly reached out and squeezed his wrist, smiled and said: "Okay."

Upon hearing this, the South String looked back and looked at the wind. When she saw the smile on the girl's face, he stopped saying more, which was equivalent to her behavior.

He believes in it.

If she does this, she must have her reasons. He only needs to believe in him.

The jumpsuit slowly sighed, her delicate face brought a smile, turned her head and looked at the wind and cleared: "I don't mind the big brother?"

Feng Lianqing: "..."

He is very mindful!


He glanced softly after seeing the wind as a revealing belly.

Forget it, the good guy is doing it all. If the lady is pregnant, give her a ride, lest she suffer the same danger.

"How do you call the two in the wind?"

The wind is like an eyebrow: "That is too coincidental, I am also surnamed the wind, the wind is like a tilt, he is my husband Junnan string."

"It’s a coincidence that we met with us today, and then we will follow us later. Although we are a little dangerous in this trip, it is even more dangerous for you two to be alone in this mountain."

The man’s face smiled and said gently.

The wind was stunned and asked: "Is the beast of the Spirit Mountain Range... very ferocious?"

"The beast has always been very ferocious," the wind laughed and laughed. "Because the weak beast is not living, the good looks can give people pets, the strength is weak...not just humans. When eaten, it will be squeezed out by the beasts, which will make it impossible to survive."


Is the little wolf like a snow wolf coming to the mainland after the moon, will be immediately caught and eaten wolf meat?

It seems that don't let it come, how safe is it to stay in the mainland of the moon in front of his wolf housekeeper?

Even if humans have not bullied it, the souls of the same family are not expected to survive.

Too poor...

(End of this chapter)

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