The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1464: Do not care with bear children (2)

Chapter 1464 does not care about bear children (2)

After half a ring, the soft voice of the little guy rang again: "Go five hundred meters forward, then to the right kilometer, where someone is calling for help, I don't know if these people are looking for someone."

The wind is like a raised eyebrow, and this cheap son who came here is giving her peace of mind.

"South string, let's go."

She took the hand of the South String and walked past the wind and Qing, and walked toward the front.

When the wind was clear, he saw the wind so fast, and quickly called: "Wind girl, where are you going?"

The wind does not answer the wind and clear, after all... she even said that she knows where people are, these people will not believe.

Moreover, she was unable to determine whether the person Fu Chen said was the one they wanted to find.

"Big brother," Lianyungang, some dissatisfaction with the tone, "How is this woman going? Do not know that the spirit beast mountain is very dangerous? She dares to run like this, clearly is to find something for us to do, we are very urgent to find the little prince She also dragged her back."

The wind was evenly fixed and looked at the eye.

Are these two people not left with the clothes?

But now the wind has no time to say anything more, he is cold-eyed: "Let's go, anyway, I don't know where the little prince is. I have been blindly looking for it. Where are the same, they are two It’s really dangerous to leave the team."

When the words fell, the wind did not look at the jumpsuit, and he stepped toward the wind as he left.

The eyebrows of the jumpsuit are so heavy. If it is not for the South String, she can’t leave this nothing, it will only provoke a woman who is alive.

But now I can't help her think again. I bite my teeth and follow up.


If the wind goes in the direction of Fuchen, it will not be a moment, and I will hear the cry of help from the heart.

not far away.

A huge spirit beast is looking down at the little fat man lying on the ground. Its saliva is direct, with a stinking smell, making people sick.

The little fat man was so scared that his mouth was full of tears, and his face was pale and pale, and his eyes were desperate.

"Help, who will save me!"

He regretted it.

Regret should not be to the soul of the mountain range in order to prove himself, the result ... this time, his life will be gone.

The little man’s nose and tears all flowed down, his legs trembled, and the urine lay down down his trouser legs, stinking.

In front of this huge red tiger has stopped, its eyes with a ferocious light, sip a bit, and bite to the little fat man.

At this time, the wind rushed to catch up with the wind and ran over. At first glance, he saw the little fat man under the tiger's mouth. His face suddenly changed, and he threw the long sword in his hand and slammed. Pierced the eyes of the red tiger.


The red tiger made a scream, and the blood in his eyes ran down. Under the severe pain, it no longer cares for the little fat man in front of him, and quickly turned and ran towards the depths of the mountains.

Behind the wind, the wind looked like a calm and calm looking at the direction of the red tiger. I don’t know why, she always felt the breath of this beast...somewhat unusual...


The little fat man slacks off, and finally wows a cry, and he makes some crying, his nose and tears flow more, and he has a look.

Feng Lianqing did not even give up and walked to the front of the little fat man, half-squatting down: "His Royal Highness, I am late."

(End of this chapter)

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