The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1468: Precious little prince (2)

Chapter 1468 The Little Prince (2)

"Let's go, let's go."

The south string raised his hand and poured the wind into his arms. The cold face raised a shallow smile.

The gaze of the cloaked stare at the south singer's hand, and the eyes turned from the original envy to firmness.

One day, she will replace this man with a jealous person into her.

"Hey!" The little prince finally recovered. He lifted his chin and looked at the jumpsuit with arrogance. "You, come back me!"

When he said this, his gaze glanced at the wind.

When he saw the wind and ignored him, the courage in his heart came out again, and his voice was arrogant.

"That's what you said, even the clothes are small, the prince is injured, can't walk, you are carrying me, then take off your clothes and let the prince wipe the nose!"

Jumpsuit face was green, angry look to the little prince: "! You re so arrogant, I'll smack you."

Perhaps it is because the wind has just preceded the precedent. Even the cloak is full of courage, raising the hand and threatening.


The wind is clear and clear: "You have to remember your identity!"

"Big brother, obviously he is..." The clothes are full of grievances.

He did not understand that when the wind was like a shot, the wind brother not only did not stop, but also lost her chance.

Why did she change to her?

"Enough!" The wind snorted and sighed. He looked back at a guard behind him. "You take off your clothes and wipe them off, then carry the temple down, and we will go back to the city."

"Yes, son."

The guard answered with respect and respect.


Wind house.

Ever since I learned that my son has done a good job now, and has a beautiful and well-behaved little granddaughter, the end of the world is floating.

But this float, he did not see the road under his feet, stepping on the peel, the whole body slipped forward, slamming, and fell a shit.

"Who is it?" Tianya angered and climbed up. His hair was messy and his voice was angry. "Who is the yard that was cleaned today? Didn't it be cleaned?"

The entire yard was quiet.

After those people saw the face of the wolf, they couldn’t help but laugh, and they were stunned, and no one dared to say anything.

"Old housekeeper!" Tianya roared.

When the old housekeeper heard the sound, he did not dare to watch the play in the rear. He even climbed to the horizon.

"General, what is the order?"

The end of the raging fire pointed at the peel on the ground: "Who is cleaning the yard today, let her eat this thing!"

He is also a general without a city.

Oh, it used to be the Emperor of the Clouds.

Now that there is a big ugly in front of so many people, how can he be willing to give up? ,

"Yes, the general, the old slave is going to do it now." The old housekeeper wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and replied slyly.

The face of the end of the world has improved a lot. He has a one-handed back and walks calmly toward the front.

It’s like nothing happened just now.

Still the style is arrogant, domineering.

If the king is in the world, the air is imposing.

The old butler wiped the forehead on the sweat, and the sly eyes were sent to the horizon to leave...


Spirit Mountain Range.

The appearance of the little fat man has been completely renewed, and his face is not as dirty as the original, but it is white and tender.

But the fat of the body was so overwhelmed that he was carrying his guard.

(End of this chapter)

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