The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1578: The sinister poison of the wind cover (2)

Chapter 1578 The sinister poison of the wind cover (2)

When the wind was clear, he couldn't help but think of the behavior of the wind-straps in the early days, and licked his lips. After all, he would still say something truthfully.

"Master, the wind and the clothes...there was trouble in the previous period."

The end of the world, stopped, his brow wrinkled, his face slowly disappeared.

"What happened?"

"Is such that……"

The wind lingered for a moment, and then said all the acts of the wind and the cloak.

He secretly raised his eyes, and he saw the old face of the horizon suddenly sinking down and sinking into the water.

"Master..." The wind is even clear and uneasy. "The first time the company made a mistake, can we give her another chance? I later let her go to apologize. She is also obedient, and it is estimated that she has changed her mind. After all, Whoever makes mistakes in this world will change if he knows the mistake."

He will not deceive his master, so he can't lie for the wind.

However, after all, Feng Lianyi is also associated with his childhood, so he will naturally speak for her.

Since the wind suit is willing to correct, then why not give her a chance? The most hateful thing is the kind of person who knows what is wrong.

The end of the world looked cold and his eyes looked at the wind and clear: "You know, no rules are not square."

Feng Lianqing understood the meaning that Tianya wanted to express. He shuddered and bit his teeth: "Yes, Master, this time is not intentional, she is also for me... If Master wants to punish, punish me is ""

End of the world sneer, screaming at the corner of his mouth: "Lian Qing, you don't like to lie, so you just told me the truth, do you think I am like a fool? If she really wants to excuse you, I can take all of it. Responsibility is on my own, so I can still believe that she is really for you, why should she let an innocent person back?"

In the Liuyun country, he is an emperor, and his rules are strict, especially for those courtiers, and they are not allowed to make any mistakes.

Today, in the absence of the city, he is the general of the world.

The army is very strict, otherwise, how can it be controlled so many people?

If there is no mistake in the wind, it is wrong with others, then he may also protect the short.

But the person who made the mistake this time is the wind and the clothes. If he is rude and short, he will not punish his men. How can he serve the public?

"Lian Qing, I have no children in this place," Tianya's eyes are strict. "So, I will train you as a successor. I will leave this place sooner or later. You are a temper... It’s too easy to be soft and not suitable for my current position.”

A person who is too soft is easily pinched by the people around him. As a general, what he wants is iron and selfless.

This is also the person he taught to the Nalan family.

Impolite and short?

Ridiculous, how can this kind of thing appear on him!

"The mistakes made by the company are not to be punished," Tianya sighed. "You know why I am strict with the cloak, but will it be loose for the moon?"

The wind is clear and strangely raised: "Don't it be because of the depth of love, is it responsible?"

After all, the cloak is the general of the military, and Helianyue is the little girl of the Helian family. Master will not be too strict with He Lianyue.

"What love is deeply blamed, it's all shit!" The end of the cold smile, "the wind and the temperament of the wind seem to be straightforward and harmless. In fact, it must be strictly disciplined. When she was young, she was still small. Young, there is not much thought, and it is easy to expose the nature after growing up. If she is not disciplined, she will grow up."

(End of this chapter)

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