The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1583: Windbreaker Banquet (3)

Chapter 1583 Banquet of Wind Coats (3)

The fact, she made a temporary decision.

Fortunately, after Feng Qing was not in the generals, the generals were led by her, and those who were naturally listened to her.

"This person always makes mistakes, not to mention that this is not a big deal. Isn't that girl not doing anything? Why bother to wear a girl?"

Among the crowd, a young man was filled with indignation, and even his eyes were full of anger. Xu was in the air for the undressing.

"Zhang Gongzi, do you think that everyone is so straightforward with the girl? There are too many people in the world under the circumstances. Even the girls have apologized to the door. Even if they don’t look at the face, they must look at the Buddha face. The girl is a good man."

"In the absence of the city, the general is under one person. Above the 10,000 people, he is more honorable than anyone else. His Majesty will give him a five-point thin face. If he dares to treat the girl, she does not know the courage of her."

The corners of the wind-connected clothes slightly smacked in a curve, and she hanged her scorpion lightly, and the curvature of the haze flashed through her eyes.

"I know why she is so courageous."

Suddenly, a voice rang, letting everyone look around and look at the woman who spoke.

The woman looks very feminine, her face is slightly ugly, licking her lips, and sighing helplessly: "The woman you said, I know... recently my cousin He Lianyue... is the whole day I was mixed with her, I don’t know what ecstasy she gave me to my cousin, and let my cousin listen to her."

"He Lian Ying, what you said is true?" asked a young man with a calm face.

He Lian smiled bitterly: "I don't know the specifics. I didn't know what happened before. The moon is rarely at home. I don't trust her. I followed her to see, and I immediately knew... she and that. Women are together, and there are some beasts in the woman's yard!"

Spirit beast!

The people thought of the spirit of the day to attack the city, could not help but shudder.

"No wonder she dared to be so arrogant. I thought it was with the momentum of those spirit beasts, but the strength of those spirit beasts...and the generals are too different. After all, the powerful beasts in the spirit beasts belong to the south. It seems that it is because of Helianyue..."

"Hey, what kind of good things can you mix with the little witches of Helianyue? It’s really a matter of gathering people to share the group, not to mention that today’s girls have a big banquet to apologize to her, she is still late!"

After hearing this, the face of the wind jumpsuit was dull.

The wind is not going to come true?

Do not!

If she doesn't come, how should her next plan be implemented?

How can she completely ruin her!

"I will send people to check it out," the wind smacked and smiled softly. "Maybe she is oversleeping, and she has not come. It is normal for a pregnant woman to sleep well."

The young man who first started talking couldn't help but sneer: "Pregnant women can be so wicked, bully the girl like a girl, I don't think it's a good thing in her belly. Can you not give birth? for sure."

Since the girl in the cloakroom admits her mistake, she just found a step down, and she dared to take the girl out.

Sure enough, mixed with He Lianyue is a lack of morality, as a mother is so wicked, it is estimated that the child in her belly can not survive.

(End of this chapter)

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