The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1585: Windbreaker banquet (5)

Chapter 1585 Banquet of Wind Coats (5)

"Small, is there something?"

The wind looked like a smile and smiled at her: "Do you want to watch the show?"

"miss you!"

Xiao Ti said, if you follow her tonight, there must be a good show, so even if she doesn't want to see the wind, she still comes.

"Then stand and go."

"Okay, small dump."

He Lianyue is very obedient. If there is a tail, she can see her wagging.

Of course, fortunately, the wind and the south string did not hear the words before Zhang Yang, or today the good show is over...

Looking at the little girl who was so soft and cute, everyone was dumbfounded.

He Lianyue, the reason why this little witch is named, is that no one in this city can manage him.

The old man of He Lianjia condone her, even the end of the world can not control her, even if it is facing the wind and clear ... ... did not see her so heard.

"You... is Helianyue?"

Among the crowd, a girl’s weak mouth asked.

He Lianyue screamed at the past and scared the girl to close her mouth immediately.

Yes, she is He Lianyue! This look... this murderous... no mistake!

The wind was as heavy as it was, looking at the little girl who had just asked the words.

Well, it looks very soft and cute, and it’s a bit like a little girl with a clear spirit.

"Helian, be gentle with girls."

She has a heavy face.

He Lianyue: "..."

Nanxian: "..."

Want to kill her!

Somehow, the girl felt a chill on her after she heard the wind, and she suddenly shuddered and couldn't help but hug her arms.

Some cold...


She couldn't help but looked up and looked at her eyes, and her eyes were full of stunned eyes.

It seems like this girl... not as bad as they said.

She and He Lianyue...not the same person.

"Okay, small dump." He Lianyue was somewhat unwilling, but in the face of the wind, she was obedient and well-behaved.

It’s like another one.

"Of course," the wind swept away to Zhang Yang and others. "When you treat a man, you can be ferocious. After the banquet, it will be fine if you kill him."


The wind continues to say: "You kill, I can bury your body for you, you can go boldly, there will be anything I will hold for you."

He Lianyue was slightly stunned, and he was carrying a sly smile.

In this life, no one has ever said this to her...

Although she is rampant, some people are also really owed, she has not felt that she is wrong.

But... everyone except Grandpa will educate her.

Grandpa will indeed accommodate all her actions, and she will protect her for so many years, but she said that she has only one wind.

He Lianyue bowed his head and there was some bitter spread in his mouth: "How good is a man if he is small?"

In fact, what she wants to say is...

If the wind is clear and the wind is as good as the wind, then how good.

However, she did not want to mention the wind in the face of so many people, so she changed her mouth.

Who knows that her change of mouth, but it is to misunderstand the South String.

The southern string's indifferent gaze swept through the body of He Lianyue, pulling the wind into his arms, holding her waist with one hand.

It seems that he has to let his father give him a third uncle and give it to the woman.

There is a second uncle...not enough...

"Wind girl."

The wind jumpsuit saw the atmosphere suddenly become so peaceful, and those people no longer talked. She was anxious, stood up and smiled and said: "Since you have come, we can also have a seat. I am very grateful today. The wind girl is willing to forgive me..."

(End of this chapter)

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