The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1591: The general will avenge her (1)

Chapter 1591, the General will avenge her (1)

At this moment, everyone's eyes are subconsciously looking at the wind.

The wind romper was standing in the same place, her face was a little stiff, and she had not reacted for a long time.

Until half a ring, she barely showed a smile: "Yes, kneel."

He Lian Ying did not say a word from beginning to end. She looked at He Lianyue, and looked at the wind, and her eyes flashed slightly. I don’t know what to think in a pair of scorpions...

"Today, I heard that the girl in the cloakroom would like to have a banquet. I would like to take a look at it." Qi Tong’s face is cold and silent, and he is not screaming. "You don't have to be too restrained. Even the girl, your party can begin."


The face of the wind jumpsuit was a bit ugly. She was dismissed on the spot, or in front of so many people, which made her very embarrassed.

Fortunately, the next words were solved for her, and she coughed: "Since people have arrived, then..."


When the wind lifted the plate in his hand, he slammed into the ground.

This sudden movement scared everyone into a tremor, and even Qi Yan frowned at her.

A pregnant woman... her temper is still so big, I really don't know how her husband won her.

"I have already said that, who said that people have arrived?" The wind was like a faceless expression, slowly stood up.

The face of the wind and the clothes is iron blue: "Wind girl, what do you want to do?"

"I said, people are not in harmony, no one can start!"


The wind and cloaked eyes changed slightly, and when they wanted to speak, they saw a little boy with a pink carving and a young man walking in from the door.

The little boy looks very good, the powder is tender and tender, and like a little girl.

His strength is not small, a small person who can still marry such a heavy young man.

However, when the wind jumper saw the moment of the youth, her entire face changed, her eyes were panicked, but she forced herself to calm down.

"Wind girl, what are you doing?"

The wind is like a cold wind and stunned.

Before she opened her mouth, the cold voice of the man slowly rang, with a thick chill: "Call her lady South."

"..." The wind and the closet almost didn't come up, and the double fists were holding and holding, and they didn't scream.

"It's you!"

The little fat man got up, and a fat face was full of anger: "After the mother, this **** has pushed her sister twice!"

The Queen’s eyes were cold, and the sharp sight was also on the young man.

Within the entire ballroom, it became quiet.

Everyone's eyes were gathered on the young man, so that the young man was on his back, and the sorrow climbed up from the ground, crying and fluttering toward the wind.

"Lianyi girl, save me, I have already listened to your orders and hid, you can't leave me alone, you said that you will shelter me, as long as I listen to you, the royal family will not find me trouble, Please help me."

The wind and the face were iron and blue, and the air trembled. She kicked the young man out on one foot and burned in anger. "What do you want to talk about? I don't know you at all. I was kind enough to help you that day. You are still helping others to bite. I have a bite."

Damn, this **** is still alive, she should solve him directly on the same day!


This **** really didn't have a brain.

As long as he does not admit it, his majesty can't be blatantly publicized. As a result, he is good, and she is exposed when she appears!

(End of this chapter)

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