The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1603: Aggressive Helianyue (seven)

Chapter 1603, The Forced Helianyue (7)

"Oh, what are you not a slave? Grandma of the General's House? Funny! I said that I didn't steal it, didn't steal it, who dared to search for me?"

"For the generals, I have to search for you!"

The wind cloaked her eyes and slammed forward, her hand just pulled the clothes of He Lianyue...

A force rushed from the side, and a bang slammed the wind out.

The fingers of the wind-straps clasped the clothes of Helianyue tightly, tearing a tear, and tearing off her entire coat...


The same thing fell from her waist and fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

The wind is just about to recover, but I have heard it before I have time to take it again.

She couldn't help but turn her head and look at it. Suddenly, a jade necklace fell into her shackles.

I couldn't help but feel the wind in the shackles, and looked at the jade necklace lying quietly on the ground.

Um... this style... seems to be a bit familiar...


In the entire banquet hall, there is no sound.

He Lianyue was already on the spot. She stared at the jade necklace on the ground. A chill came into her heart and made her body stiff.


Why is the jade necklace of Tianya Grandpa on her body?

"No, not me!" Helian was panicked, and quickly turned to look at the wind. Her eyes were red and red. "Small, not me, I didn't steal, I don't know how it ran to me." of."

"Well, I believe you didn't steal."

The wind is like a hand that wants to touch the head of Helianyue, but her hand is still in the air, and she is tightly held in the hand by a man.

"Small dumping..." He Lianyue’s heart was still flustered. As the wind plunged, the words settled down and warmed. "Thank you..."

thank you for trusting me.

Thank you for letting me understand... I am not alone at the moment.

"You will naturally believe her," the wind jumper climbed up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and walked in toward the wind. "Because you are united to steal my jade necklace, this is what the general gave me." Anyone who dares to peep, I will not let..."


The wind jumpsuit just fell, another force raided, and her body flew out again and slammed into the seat.

The soup dishes on the seats fell over her body and she was very embarrassed.

The south string fell cold on the body of the wind, and it was as cold as the moon, without any emotion.

"You are too close to my house, and I don't like it."


The wind romper was angry and wanted to speak, but he saw that the man raised his hand again...

Numerous swords and light raids, this time even if the wind and the reaction of the clothes are fast, they can't avoid it. This light cuts through her arm, blood and DC, and dyes her entire sleeve...

"Look, is it enough?"

The implication is that this good show is over?

He... can it be done?

"South String," the wind shook his head. "We can't be too violent, be gentle, treat girls, especially gentle..."


The expressions of everyone are a stiff.

It seems that this word, and she will never get along.

The wind did not pay attention to these people, she smiled and turned to the Queen: "Can you pick it up? Don't let anyone say that I lost the bag."

The Queen saw her, and she understood the meaning of the wind. She stepped forward and smashed the jade necklace.

(End of this chapter)

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