The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1610: Looking for something to come (6)

Chapter 1610, Looking for a thing (6)

Qi Qi looks cold and sinking.

The masters in the royal family have been guarded behind him, looking at those who are cautiously watching the cloud.

However, this is a man, and the first time I want to pull the queen and the little fat man behind him.

However, I saw Qi Qi’s hand stretched out, and the body of the little fat man suddenly became very flexible. The side of the body hid in the past and hurriedly rushed behind the wind.

In the presence, he did not believe anyone.

The only thing that believes is the wind.

Just like in the mountains of the beast, he believes that following him, he will survive in peace.

Qi Yuer looked at Qi Wei, and looked at the little fat man. He walked to the side of the little fat man with no hesitation, and hid behind him in the wind.

Qi Qi’s hand was stiff in the air, and there was a little bit of embarrassment on his face. At this moment, he could not allow him to think more. The people of Yunxiaoguo forced him to come over.

The wind swayed in the arms of the South Strings, and she shrugged her shoulders: "They are troublesome to find the wind."

Then she... is it waiting for the wind and the clothes to hang up, then do it again, or do you do it now?

If you start now, it looks like... some losses...

The wind touched the nose, um, when the wind and the dress were left with a breath, she saved her again. After all, what she wanted to know was not yet settled, at least not let her die now...

"His Royal Highness."

An old man behind the second emperor looked at He Lianyue, whispering: "The girl who is the family of Helian, and the relationship with the generals is also very shallow."

The second emperor's footsteps were also a meal, and he stopped. He looked at He Lianyue sideways and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"This little girl looks like a small waste. I can do this kind of small waste automatically..."

He smiled and raised his hand and grabbed He Lianyue.


The hand of the second emperor had not yet fallen on the shoulder of He Lianyue, and was once again caught by one hand.

This time I grabbed her, it was a jade hand, and the fingers were slender and white.


The girl’s slamming sound, a crisp sound, immediately came from the sound of a pig-like roar.

The second hand of the second emperor was just shattered by the south chord, and the right hand was broken by the wind. His painful eyes were red and angry. "The prince looks at you as a woman with a big belly. I let you go, I didn’t expect you to be so ignorant, and provoked the princes three times and five times!"

The wind was over the head, and the faint gaze fell on the body of the second emperor.

From the very beginning, the second emperor did not see the wind in the face.

He glanced at the past and saw only her abdomen.

For a pregnant woman, the second emperor was not interested in a few glances, and even her eyes never swept through her face...

Until the wind was over the head, his breathing was suddenly stagnation.

This woman... looks a little too beautiful.

It can be beautiful again, it is also a curse!

A pregnant woman is still so vicious, she has never set a good example for her child in the belly, such a woman ... is not the type he likes.

"Take them to me too."

The second emperor’s eyes were dull and he raised his hand and hurriedly ordered.

The two men did not seem to be the generals. Originally, he did not intend to misunderstand the innocent. Even if the Nanxian began to move to him, he still put the thoughts at the forefront and did not want to settle with them.

However, ... people have a three-point temperament, not to mention ... he is still the emperor of the cloud state!

(End of this chapter)

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