The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1625: The nine emperors have a lot of hatred (5)

Chapter 1625, the nine emperors' enemies are really many (5)


The sound of the South String can't hear any emotions calmly, but... there is a storm that can't be suppressed.

"Kill it, kill it all!" Nanxian slowly got up with the wind and the body.

I want to find Xiaoya, but he doesn't want to find anyone.

There is only one wind in his heart!

The culprit of this matter, she will not let go!

Wind and sneer sneer at the lips, before she dies, can drag a wind like a tilt, is enough!

He has no regrets.

Suddenly, a rage of anger came down from the night, with a sigh of anger.

"Liu Yi, you are rolling over to Laozi!"

This voice is no stranger to everyone present.

Some people's hearts quietly sighed, and their complexion eased a lot.

Nanxian clung to the girl in her arms and walked toward the night.

"You took the girl away, then I..."

"You stay, these people today... one is not allowed to leave, wait for me to come back with me!"

Nanxian did not look back, calmly walked toward the door.

He must take the plunge to a quiet place and solve the man who wants to win.

Therefore, he did not have time to pay attention to the matter here, and all things must be left to Fuchen.

In the moment when the South String walked out of the gate, it just happened to wipe the face with the old man.

The old man was in a red robes, his face was full of anger, but he stunned after seeing the two people passing by him: "Hey, how are you? Wait..."

The footsteps of the Nanxian did not stop, and the path left.

The old man’s eyes just glimpsed the woman’s pale face, somehow... his heart violently hurt.

He originally wanted to catch up and ask for it. He could feel the cold back of the man. He still stopped a little.


The wind-up clothes saw the old man at the door, and the heart that had been holding it all the time was finally put down. Her face was raised in a shallow arc, and her face was bloody, which seemed a little scary.

"you are back."

The general returned, and this time, she did not have to die.

that's nice……

"Wind girl?"

Feng Lianqing also just came in. He was covered in blood, and the sword in his hand was bleeding, but he suddenly saw the wind in the embrace of the South String. He stunned and his face was white: "The Wind Girl What's wrong?"


Tianya forgot the purpose of his return, and looked at the two figures who left with a little doubt. The brow was lightly wrinkled: "She is also surnamed Feng, really..."

Suddenly, the end of the world seemed to think of something. He turned his head and looked at Liu Yi with anger.

"Liu Yi, who allows you to let him out under the crowd?"

Liu Yi hangs his head.

He knew that this time he did something wrong, but he protected the girl, he did not regret it.

"General, the subordinates are wrong."

"You..." The end of the world can't wait to knock the **** to death. "What the **** in Fuli?"

Liu Yi opened his mouth and wanted to explain something, but his eyes were awkward.

Listen to the general's words...

The woman and the general just... are familiar?

"Heavenly Grandpa!" He Lianyue sneered and said, "The wind and the clothes are framed by a small dumper. Your person is a general. If you are indifferent to the small, you think that it is necessary to stay. General's house?"

"Small dump?" The eyes of the horizon are somewhat doubtful.

"It is the wind girl in the mouth of her brother. She is called the wind."

The wind is like a dump!

These three words, like a thunder, blasted in the minds of the horizon.

Infinite memories invaded and spread all over his mind.

"Tian Yu, this time I can't wait until you get married with the smoke. For the sake of the world, I have to leave. If... you have a boy in the future, you will call it Qingru, Qingshui, and hope that he will love his life forever. If it is a girl, it will be like a dumping, the inclination of the city, and she will be a city, and she will love it."

(End of this chapter)

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