The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1634: Not as much as him (2)

Chapter 1634 is not as good as him (2)

He doesn't kill her now, just waiting for her granddaughter to wake up.

Side of the world, his eyes staring at Liu Yi, who is still squatting.

He did not stop him, and a pair of old men with a fierceness: "Your gimmicks should not be for the wind, but for the baby granddaughter."

Liu Yi’s body was stiff, he raised his head, his face was full of blood, his eyes filled with grief.

"General, the girl, she..."

"Shut up to Laozi!"

Under the wrath of the end of the world, he slammed the past and slammed Liu Yi on the ground with his foot on his chest. His face was expressionless: "You still have the heart to ask for grievances, you think your guilt, I will forgive?"

Liu Yi trembled, he slowly closed his eyes...

The cold moonlight fell from the door, covering his pale, colorless face.

The hall is silent.

After a while, Liu Yi opened his eyes: "General, his subordinates violated the military regulations, arbitrarily released the man, and accidentally injured the lady, who sinned and died, must be guilty of death, seeking generals Rao The girl who lives in the dress, even if she is abolished, can be driven out of the house, please let her go through a life..."

The arm of the wind jumper has been abolished, and even if she is really wrong, she has paid the price.

Really enough.

"My granddaughter is unconscious, why did I let people who hurt her?"

His granddaughter, who should be the most noble person of the generals, deserves to be loved by thousands of people, but can be hurt to such a degree by a slave of the generals.

All this, blame him!

Resent him not to be soft and leave the wind.

"General, if this is as true as the girl, she is Miss..."


This last sentence has not yet fallen, Liu Yi feels a tight throat, some difficult to breathe.

That is, the heart is suppressed by the heavy breath, as if the next second, his heart can stop beating.

"I don't think my granddaughter is wrong. The wrong one will always be someone else. What's more, I believe in my granddaughter."

Even the wolf knows how to protect the scorpion, let alone him.

No one of his granddaughters is qualified to criticize, not to mention that he does not feel that the wind will fall into the wind.

If even his granddaughter does not believe, he is qualified to be her grandfather.

"Liu Yi, you'd better expect Xiaopen to be safe and sound, otherwise, I will let you live this life, and the dogs will not rest!"


Liu Yi’s body slammed back and spurted out a blood. Under the heavy pressure of the old man, his bones were all broken, and there was no way to straighten his back. It’s horror and fear...


In the house under the night.

The moonlight is cold.

In the wing, the wind is like a red dress, lying quietly on the carved bed, her eyebrows are close, Xu is a bit painful.

Xiaoqing stared at the bed, staring stiffly at the man at the bedside: "Master, princess, what's wrong with this?"

The dogs and men put a snake in the house and ran out of the waves. How did the princess come back?

Nanxian did not pay attention to Xiaoqing. His fingers smashed through the wind and the blue silk, gently rubbing her pale face, and there was an uncontrollable distress and anger in the eyebrows.

It’s natural to feel bad about the wind...

Angry... He is angering the entire general!

Slowly, the man lowered his head and dropped a kiss on the woman's lips.

(End of this chapter)

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