The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1641: Less than him (9)

Chapter 1641 is not as good as him (9)

The wind is like a headache, and it’s a bit too difficult to do.

"Mother," Qing Han raised a cute little head. "My sister doesn't seem to like the national teacher. She has been jealous of him. Why did she do something sorry for her?"


The wind is a bit stunned: "Well, maybe a few days ago... we made people."

Qing Han’s gaze is fascinating, creating people? Isn't there already a little sister? Why do you want to make people.

"Maybe I accidentally made her sleep, it doesn't matter, I don't remember anything after she was born, I don't even remember this."

The wind will never think of it, the reason why the little guy is stunned is because the South String hinders her cultivation.

The ruined continent has lost a peerless genius.

Of course, the wind is even more ignorant, this little guy is so enchanting, inevitably... also very vengeful...

"Green han, let's go, let's take a look at the military office, some accounts, and it's a good idea to liquidate them."



Since the wind was swayed by the South Strings yesterday, the end of the night could not sleep, his entire old eyes were red, full of bloodshot.

No one at the banquet dared to leave, and stood aside.

This is not the end of the world to let them go, but countless beasts will not be able to leave the entire ballroom, so that they have no way to leave.

The blood of the wind-sleeved clothes is almost dry. In one night, she is already thin and weak, and the appearance of the wind is very distressing.

Liu Yi was on the ground and spent a whole night. His head was tightly on the ground. It wasn't that he didn't want to lift it up, but the heavy momentum of the end of the world made him unable to look up...


Turning around, Tiannan asked: "My baby granddaughter really won't have anything? Can the kid really save her?"

"Mother is very strong," Fuchen held his chin with pride. "So, a soul in the district can't hurt him."


Stronger, she is also his granddaughter, how can he not worry?

The **** eyes of the horizon are dripping one thousand and two hundred times to look at Liu Yi. The nephew is red and red: "Liu Yi, if my granddaughter can wake up, I will give you a happy, if... she will wake up again If you don't come, I will let you break your bones!

It’s not the end of the world.

Liu Yi has been following him for many years. If he only made a small mistake, he was only disposed of by the military regulations.

But now...

Liu Yi’s person is his granddaughter!

No one can laugh and forgive those who hurt her after their loved ones are hurt.

Subordinates are more important, far less than their loved ones!

Liu Yi bit his lip and died for a night. He hurts not the knee, but the neck that is about to break...

Can face the general's anger, he did not dare to breathe loudly, let alone ask for mercy again.

The wind-up clothes are a lot calmer, and the corners of the mouth are sneer, and the wind is impossible to live again!


She can't die, but her body is in control and she doesn't belong to her anymore!


Just like thinking of the end of the wind, the wind and the clothes want to laugh out, after all, she can't escape this disaster, and it won't let the wind go too far!

As for the horizon...

She has been following him for so many years! Also accompanied him several times to fight the battlefield!

In the end, he treated her like this...

Ps: Yesterday I said that at least eight chapters today, try to write in ten chapters, and then I stuck in the middle of this hahaha wrote nine chapters.

I couldn't write it when I wrote eight chapters, but I thought about it, how can I try to write it again, so I just want to get stuck in the middle~ I want to sleep, good night~

Also, I don't write so much every day, don't misunderstand ~ but I can still write as much as I can.

(End of this chapter)

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