Chapter 1647 Accounting (2)

The wind yawned like a lazy man: "Don't you know the identity of the wind suit?"

The end of the world touched the head with some sorrow: "Oh, I remember that she was chased by the people of the South. I and the people in the South have never dealt with it. I saved her back. As for her identity... It seems that she is I was abandoned by the family. As for the specifics, I didn’t ask much. Anyway, she hasn’t seen her family for so many years.”


"Right, dear, what do you want to ask her identity? Do you want to destroy her family? If you want to do this, if you want to do this, and Grandpa, the grandfather is ready to go with you. "The end of the world sneered, "No, I want to give up the tombs of her ancestors for the 18th generation!"

Qi Wei: "..."

Feng Lianqing: "..."

Everyone in the hall: "..."

This is the end of the world, is it not always clear? a just person?

Now because of the mistakes made by the wind, he has to pursue her family.

Still he is going to marry the graves of the people!

The wind is clear of some shameful support, he really does not want to admit that this old man is his master...

"Small, you are fine," Tianya smiled and walked toward the wind. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and the whole face sank. "Yes, who is it? Let me Baby granddaughter is pregnant?"

The South String pulls the wind into the arms: "It's me."

The face of the world is ugly to the extreme.

He thought of last night, actually was scared by the man's back, and did not dare to chase them away.

This is the shame of his life!

"Do I agree? Marry granddaughter does not need me to agree?" Tianya's face is cold and cold, "And you, stinky boy, take your hand away from my baby granddaughter, and quickly take it away!"

The South String looked down at the girl beside her, her lips rising, and her beautiful face was so gentle with a smile: "It is the father-in-law's consent, and he can't wait to marry me."

The wind is like: "..."

How does she remember that the father wants to cut the South String?

Sure enough, after listening to this, Tianyaqi’s jumping feet, old face iron blue: “Wind Tianyu, this idiot, wait for me to go back, see if I don’t kill him, I haven’t gone home and married my granddaughter!”

His son-in-law must have a dragon and a phoenix to be able to match his baby granddaughter.

She must also be infatuated with her, not allowed to be half-hearted, this kid has not passed his assessment, Feng Tianyu on what basis to marry his granddaughter?


This kid looks good, looks like a pass, strength can be, other ... remains to be seen.

"South String, they have been away for a while, and I don’t know if Xiaoqing was discovered. Let’s go, we can keep up,” the wind laughed coldly. “Hope... Xiaoya did not receive any hurt……"

The end of the world is indeed not expected, the wind and even the clothes hate her so much, she can not get the answer, the more happy the wind is, so she will not tell her truthfully.

Fortunately, she left a backhand!

It doesn't cost me to endure so many days!

"Okay, let's go."

South Strings embraced the wind and leaned toward the door.

For a moment, it has disappeared in front of people.

The brows of the end of the world are light and wrinkled, and the expression is slightly wronged: "I always think that my granddaughter seems to think that I am useless..."

After all, the baby granddaughter first asked his question, he could not answer it.

(End of this chapter)

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