The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1649: Against the enemy (1)

Chapter 1649 is against enemies (1)

The old butler's old face froze, and he knew that the general would inevitably settle accounts with them after the fall.

"General, the old slave did not know that she was a young lady. The wind is a man in the generals. I am afraid of losing my face, so..." He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and his voice was awkward.

Tianya sneered: "The face of the general's house has long been lost by you. I will roll it to me immediately. I can't find the wind and I don't have to come back. You are the same."

He turned his head and turned to the wind, and said nothing.

The wind is so scared that even the words are afraid to say, only hope to reduce their sense of existence.

Somehow, seeing the wind and even the reprimanded appearance, He Lianyue’s mouth could not help but hang on the gloating smile.

Let this **** have been punished for her and the little for the wind, and now she is retribution?

Deserve it!

Feng Lianqing also saw the smugness of He Lianyue’s eyes. He was somewhat worried. In the past, every time he was reprimanded by Master, Helian would protect him.

This time...

He felt that he really lost all his position in the heart of Helian.

Not as good as ever.


Nothing outside the city.

In the woods, the woman in Tsing Yi stopped her footsteps and threw down the woman who was already dead. She was cold and sullen, with no expression: "Wind, I just left the city without a trip, you give I made so many moths, and I was almost exposed in front of the horizon."

The wind lifted her veil, revealing the exquisite face, her eyes with sternness, like a long sword.

As soon as the wind jumper left the generals, he felt a chaotic brain, and the pain almost fainted.

If it wasn't for the bumps all the way, she would have been unconscious for a long time.

When I saw the wind and the clothes hurt, I couldn't even say it. The Tsing Yi woman frowned. After all, she reached out and took out a medicinal herb from the placket and stuffed it into the mouth of the wind.

"Eat it."

When the wind slammed into the clothes, the medicinal herbs were swallowed into the abdomen. The painful feeling was relieved a lot, but her broken arm was still under the breeze and still had a tingling sensation.

"I... I didn't mean it, and, didn't I just take you out?" The sound of the wind and the clothes was a little weak and fluttered with the wind.

The Tsing Yi woman sneered: "If it is not for me to appear in time, who can guarantee whether you will confess before you die."

However, she saved the wind and saved her clothes too smoothly, and she could not believe it until she could go to her.

There is also some uneasiness in my heart...

The wind is not talking to the lips, and the woman has never believed her.

If...the end of the world is not sheltering from the wind, if it is so good, since he is so protective of the wind, why should she expose this?

Anyway, Tianya could not let her go, which is not good for her.

She can't wait for all the enemies of the world to hide in the dark to wait for action, or to expose these people to the light.

"I didn't want to confess you, because I only want to destroy the military!" The wind romper lifted the scorpion, and the depth of the eyes was full of resentment and anger.

The Tsing Yi woman smiled ironically: "Unfortunately, you have no use for me. I see that you will give you a way to live on your usual obedience, but your stupidity will eventually put you on your own. harmed."

She didn't warn the wind for the next time, and she didn't move the woman's idea. As a result, the wind and the clothes did not obey her warnings, but they hurt themselves!

(End of this chapter)

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