The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1651: Against the enemy (3)

Chapter 1651 is against enemies (3)


The Tsing Yi woman slaps the past and squats on her face.

Her face was swollen into a pig's head, and the corners of her mouth were sardonic.

"Wind jumpsuit, you shut me up! What can you teach me? If I didn't bring you out of Yunxiaoguo, do you think you can have a good day in these years? Duan Qiong like a **** Can you enjoy the treatment of Miss Qianjin in the Duanjia? If the Duan and his son are reconciled, what are you and your mother?"

Wind and sneer sneer again and again: "You are wrong, grandfather and father will never reconcile, they are mixed with a fox, and a wild species! Father hates him, even if the grandfather sums up, the father will not forgive him. If it is in the section of the house... even if the grandfather is not as painful as before, I will not... worse than now!"

"After all, my family, in the first city of Yunxiaoguo, is a big family next to the royal family!"

The wind jumper lifted his chin and tried to make himself look proud and not succumb to the woman.

Under the breeze, a voice suddenly came, with excitement: "The paradise of Yunxiaoguo? Oh, this time I explored such important news, I don’t know how the princess would praise me, and I will definitely not threaten with snakes in the future. I……"

The face of the wind jumpsuit froze.

She lowered her head and looked at her voice...

In an instant, I saw a snake... I got out of her clothes.

It was a green-green snake that looked slippery and disgusting, and made her goose bumps all over the place, with horror in her eyes.

"you you……"

Xiaoqing smiled at the side: "This time I want to thank you for telling the news so accurately, the world of the first city of Yunxiao, next to the Yunhuang National Emperor, does not cost me to hide for so long, then hide, I I have to be smoked, you haven’t taken a shower for a few days..."

Listening to Xiaoqing’s ridiculous words, the wind romper should have been furious, but she was so scared that her eyes were trembling, her body was trembling, her face was very white.


Why is this snake on her body! ! !


The wind jumpsuit screamed and raised his hand, and he slid out the little green slippery body.

Xiaoqing rolled a few laps and landed on the ground, shook his wrestling head, looked back at the wind and the clothes and the Tsing Yi woman, turned and wanted to escape.

The face of the Tsing Yi woman has changed in an instant. She must not let this green snake escape, otherwise she will inevitably be exposed to the horizon.

Therefore, she did not have time to settle down with the wind, and her body was turned into a wind, chasing the past with the green snake.

Xiaoqing turned back and saw the Tsing Yi woman chasing it. It scared the soul and fell, and the tears ran three feet: "Master, princess, come and save me, there are bad people who want me to be a snake, help!" ”

It scared the whole snake to panic and swam forward quickly, but it was faster than the speed of the Tsing Yi women.

Xiaoqing's whole heart is cold and cold. It shouldn't be exposed to it. It should wait for this woman to go again! The weak chicken of the wind jumpsuit is nothing to do with it.

Can this woman not be a windbreaker is not against her eyes? Why are you going to chase it!

It still has no female snakes, and has not become a biological child. It does not want to be a bowl of snakes on the human table.

The murderous clouds shrouded the entire forest.

Just as the Tsing Yi woman broke into the face of Xiaoqing, a powerful force rushed from the front, endlessly weathered into countless swords, and attacked the Tsing Yi women behind Xiaoqing...

(End of this chapter)

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