The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1661: The Secret of Tang Chong's Life Experience (2)

Chapter 1661 The Secret of Tang Yin's Life Experience (2)

She never knew that the person who chased her in the past was not Duan Qiong, but she would not forgive him.

It was his lack of decisiveness that brought countless injuries to her daughter. Now think about it, Duan Qiong is not too much wrong. His only mistake is to be in Duan.

Therefore, she will never stay! She wants to go back and go back to the wind!

Xiaoya firmly took the medicine bowl from Duan Qiong’s hand. She did not look at him and wiped out the medicine in the bowl.

She wiped the water from the corner of her mouth and slammed the medicine bowl on the floor, then lifted her throat and looked at Duan Qiong.

The woman's eyes are dark and fascinating, and the beautiful ones can't be ignored. Especially when she smiled, it was... let him not forget this life.

Duan Qiong’s heart was painful again. He couldn’t remember how long he hadn’t seen her smile...

"Sorry, Yah..."

Sorry, Yah, I can't let you go! I have been unable to bear the grief over the years!

Even if you force you to stay with me, I don't want to lose you anymore.

For nearly two decades, every day is like a year, without her days, he is not willing to go on.

Xiaoya was full of anger and her face was red.

There was some sweetness in her throat, and even the gas could not be worn, and her face was red and red.

Originally, Duan Qiong thought that Xiaoya was angry and didn't care too much, but the more he saw it, the more he felt that something was wrong. His eyes flashed a panic: "Ya, what happened to you?"


Xiaoya spurted out a piece of blood and sprayed it on Duan Qiong’s clothes. Her face was pale and her resentful eyes stared at Duan Qiong.

"Yaer!" Duan Qiong panicked, and rushed forward to help Xiaoya.

However, Xiaoya did not want to be touched by him, and he pushed him away.

Her body was awkward, and the station could not stand still. Even the hand that took the brush was twitching.

"Pharmaceutical, who gave it?"

Her words fell on paper on a stroke.

Because of physical discomfort, writing is extremely slow, but the words are like blood, with anger and questioning.

Duan Qiong seems to understand something, a face is a bit scary because of anger.

Seeing Duan Qiong’s expression, Xiaoya smiled ironically, and dropped a few words on the paper: “I shouldn’t believe you again!”


When the last word fell, Xiaoya spurted another blood.

Duan Qiong panicked forward, this time, Xiaoya did not know the power of the coming, pushed Duan Qiong a few meters away, and ran to the door.

Her hands were on her chest, and her breathing was a little difficult, but she still bit her lip and bit her lips out of blood. Only in this way, she could not let herself faint.

Must leave here, if she continues to stay in the section home, she will die in Duan Qiong’s hands!

"Yaer," Duan Qiong stood up from the ground and hurriedly chased the past to Xiaoya, pulling Xiaoya into his arms. "You can't go out alone in this situation. I will go to find a doctor for you. I won't let you have anything."

Xiaoya spurted out another blood. This time, she failed to push Duan Qiong away, and her body was so weak that she struggled.

But in her black shackles, the anger is so obvious, like a flame, burning Duan Qiong's heart.

"You guys come over," Duan Qiong angered and gnawed his teeth. "Take care of the little lady. If she has anything, I will let all the baboons who take care of her go to the funeral!"

(End of this chapter)

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