The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1676: Duan Jia did not have a good for her (seven)

Chapter 1676, no one is good for her (7)

Duan Yue’s face was blue and green, and he saw that the giant pot had to be squatted again. He didn’t dare to take it lightly, and he quickly escaped.

The prince of the second emperor swept over the old face of Duan Yue Tieqing, and this turned away to the wind.

His expression changed very quickly. He was still indifferent and arrogant, and he looked like no one. In a flash, his face was full of laughter.

"Master, how did I perform? I not only learned this old and not dead, but I have not let others detect your relationship between you and me."

The wind is like: "..."

Xiaoqing: "..."

Duan Jiazhong: "..."

Everyone was stunned, did not speak, let the cold wind raging, and they chilled in the cold.

Even Xiaoqing looked at the two emperors with some contempt. The mind of this emperor is almost the same as Qinghan, stupid!

What's more, it only saw that this kid didn't look at the face of the old man, and he didn't see him go up to teach him.

Oh, sneak a horse, he will serve Yunhuangguo two princes!

"His Royal Highness of the Second Emperor!" Duan Yueqi wants to split, roaring out loudly. "She is the spies of the Tianling Kingdom. You are actually in the same league as the Tianling Kingdom. You know what you know? People in the world can know?"

The second emperor dismissed the road: "Nothing is more important than the master of my family."

Duan Yueqi spurted out an old blood, and his eyes were red and staring at the wind.


The wind was no longer paying attention to the section of the month, and she glared at the front, and in an instant she saw Xiaoya, who was brought by a maid.

Her eyes were red and mad.

"Princess, eliminate the gas, quickly eliminate the gas, Xiaoya is dead, we can still avenge her, sweeping the entire section on the line..."

The wind raised his hand, and the slap of the slap took the snake out. The whole person turned into a gust of wind and rushed toward the maid, and grabbed Xiaoya in her arms.

Xiaoya’s breathing was a little weak, making her face more angry.

"Who did it? Who poisoned her? Also knocked her out?"

The little soul who had just come with the black sword heard this, and the obvious footsteps, he looked up to the black sword subconsciously...

But seeing this sword, it has been scared and trembling, making a squeaky voice.

The little soul was silent for a moment, saying that the black sword knocked on the dumb woman, and the nine emperors would not believe it, and might even blame him.

Now he is under the fence and can only swallow his voice.

Therefore, the little soul has no remorse, righteous words: "It is Duan Qiong, who is called Duan Qiong. The dumb girl saw you sent me to save her. I want to go with me excitedly. Who knows that Duan Qiong is so good, Extinct humanity, fearing that the dumb woman will leave with me, so she will stun her."

"It's me, saved her from Duan Qiong's hand, it's me, took her back to you!" The voice of the little soul was high, and the black sword that listened also nodded frequently.

That's right, it's not what they did, they are all Duan Qiong's bastard, they are innocent!

"What happened to your son?" Duan Laozi is full of anger. "I know that this woman is a curse. She will sooner or later harm us to our home!"

She obviously has a very close relationship with her, and she must come for her. This **** woman really wants to harm his family.

He shouldn't let her stay, she should be driven out of Duan Qiong!

The wind is like raising his hand, caressing Xiaoya's cold head, and her coldness is more intense, and the killing in her eyes gradually emerges. ,

(End of this chapter)

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