The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1678: Duan Jia did not have a good for her (9)

Chapter 1678, no one is good for her (9)

"What did you just do? It hurts, I hurt!"

The wind is like a faceless expression: "Give you a spiritual power, my spiritual power will destroy your brain, so that the body, the soul ... until death!"

The trembling body trembled and looked at the wind in horror.

Devil, this woman is a demon.

The wind sneered down and sneered and squeezed the sinking chin.

Even if this indulgence has been over forty years old, it is still beautiful, it is no wonder that Duan Qiong will let her be his wife.

"Would it? The pain that Xiaoya suffered was a hundred times more painful than you! And my little hidden... Because of your sake, she was separated from her biological mother, and now she has no recognition, mother and daughter are separated, and they know each other." Do you know the pain that you don't recognize?"

"Do you know that a mother, who has been detained for twenty years, has been hurt by repeated injuries for 20 years and was forced to leave her daughter for twenty years?"

These two women she likes, a delicate and greasy person, have been twitching her for so long, how can they not catch up.


In the first second of her understanding, she felt that they seemed to have known for many years...

The little soul looked at the wind with some contempt.

If this woman is a man, she must be a scum male, see a love one!

"So..." The wind is like a sarcasm. "Why do you think that I will make you die? You will give you the damage that Xiaoya brings to you, I will give you back to her!"

Xiaoya is still asleep, as if she heard the sound of the wind, it is like being in front of her eyes.

But she desperately wants to open her eyes, there is no way to blink, until...

When this familiar voice sounded, she had endless power and opened her eyes in an instant.

The moment I entered my eyes, it was a touching face, and it made her tears flow slowly...

She is coming, this is not a dream!

She already knew that she will come!

Just now, she thought she couldn't see her anymore. It was so good. It was definitely when the **** took her away. The nine emperors just came, and this took her off.

Xiaoya had already been vain and powerless, but she did not know the strength of her strength. She climbed up from the ground and slammed into the wind and rushed into her arms.

Her tears and snots flowed out, making a whimpering voice, like telling endless grievances.

"It's okay," the wind stroking Xiaoya's head gently. "You are in poor health. Take a break first. After I have solved these things, go back and give you a medicinal diet."

Xiaoya nodded desperately, her mouth was slightly stunned, and she used the accused gaze to cast a paragraph to the father.

The wind follows her eyes and looks at the section of the father, and the scorpion sinks: "Is he poisoning you?"

Xiaoya nodded.

"Is that the person who knocks you up is also him?"

Xiaoya was slightly stunned, just next to her side, and she saw a pale, pale soul, with anger in her eyes.

The wind is like a cold, squinting at the little soul: "You hurt her? Also deceive me?"

The whole body of the little soul froze: "Not me, it is a small sword, it is a threat to me to let me lie, nothing to do with me!"


The little sword was angry, and the hilt was facing down, and the sly fell on the head of the little soul.

It’s strange to say that maybe the little soul is the sword of the black sword, so... the black sword can hit him every time...

"Let's find you later," the wind plucked his eyes back and walked toward the old man. "Have you chased Xiaoya at the beginning? I listened to the elders of the Tang family and said that when the family came to Xiaoyin, When she was chased."

(End of this chapter)

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