The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1681: My granddaughter, who dares to bully! (two)

Chapter 1681 My granddaughter, who dares to bully! (two)

Chapter 1221 My granddaughter, who dares to bully! (two)

Duan Qiong’s eyes were always on Xiaoya, and there was deep pain in his eyes.

He even forgot the wind when he was going to destroy the house. His eyes were the cold woman left.

"Ya... Can you leave me?"

Xiaoya looked indifferently to Duan Qiong. She only looked at her share of the year. Plus, the person who chased her was not Duan Qiong, she was willing to let him go.

But for Duan Qiong... After leaving the year, she will never come back!

"You don't have to entangle Xiaoya, some things are lost, and you are destined to never get it again! Xiaoya, you are not very good, I let the little soul send you away first, the next thing, I will come to the aftermath."

Xiaoya nodded firmly.

She didn't look at the familiar courtyard behind her, and didn't even look at the familiar people...

"Do not!"

Duan Qiong panicked, quickly climbed up and chased the past to Xiaoya, screaming: "Ya, you can't go, beg you not to leave me, beg you!"

Tears flowed from his eyes, and his eyes were full of grief.

This time, it is different from the past.

Twenty years ago, Yaer left the Duan, and he believed that he could always bring her back.

But this time...

If Yaer really left, this life, maybe he can no longer see him.

Xiaoya’s pace did not stop. She was obviously weak. She couldn’t stand still in the road. She needed a black sword to help her. Even so, her back was so firm.

In the end, the second emperor sent people to support Xiaoya. He always felt that the black sword was not very reliable. He just heard the sound of Duan Qiong’s heartbreaking, and his heart could not help but sneer.

This **** offended the owner and wanted to marry the host girl? Hehe... ridiculous...

The master did not destroy him, it is already on the dumb girl!

Until Xiaoya's back disappeared completely, the wind turned slowly, her eyes turned to Duan Qiong, and walked slowly toward him.

The wind swelled and swayed the red robe of that body, and the city was the best.

"I promised Xiaoya not to kill you, it doesn't mean... I will let you go!" The wind poured out his hand, and a purple fruit appeared in her hand.

She pinched Duan Qiong's chin and forced the fruit into it.

At the moment of the entrance of this fruit, Duan Qiong was full of bitterness, but compared to the bitterness in his mouth, his heart had already been numb, and his eyes looked at Xiaoya’s direction.

"This is a medicine that people can't be humane afterwards," the wind swayed at the corner of the mouth. "It will make you stagnation! Duan Qiong, know why I don't kill you? Not only because Xiaoya, and... you really have to live, and live a life with Xiaoya."

"I am not afraid of you to retaliate against me. If you want to avenge me, even if you come! I have not fallen to the extent that I am afraid of you!"

The wind plucked from the face of Duan Qiong's pale face, and she turned and walked again toward the section of the father.

The eyes of Duan Laozi are full of panic: "You have heard the words that you just said, and the clothes are already around the horizon. In these years, the end of the world has not returned to the mainland, the endless continent has made the limelight, you can't know him. , little girl, now you have enough trouble, if you leave now, I will not be embarrassed!"

(End of this chapter)

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