The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1695: The grief of Helian Ying (2)

Chapter 1695 The grief of Helianying (2)

After the screaming of the screaming, Helian Ying stood up like nothing, and she turned to look at the stone bench on the other side. Just wanted to sit down, and the stool exploded in an instant...

Until now, He Lianying still has something to understand.

At first she was only the reason for the stone bench, but it has been twice in succession. It is obvious that some people do not want her to sit down.

She smiled awkwardly: "Wind girl, I just heard that the wind girl cares for the moon these days, and I would like to thank the girl."

The wind is like an eyebrow, and looking at He Lianyue with a smile, seems to be waiting for her to continue talking.

Herliany saw the wind as a smile, and her nervous emotions eased a few points: "Moon's sister has been naughty since childhood, and she must have caused a lot of trouble to the girl. I am here to accompany my sister. No, she had been entangled in the Qing dynasty. Even the Qing Gongzi could not stand her. I was worried that the wind girl would have misunderstood the sister of the month and she would explain a few words to her..."

Her tone is helpless: "Moon children and sisters are like this, please don't mind the girl."

The implication is that He Lianyue’s character is quite naughty, and on the contrary, she knows the general.

In the same way, she also told the wind that the wind is always entangled in the wind and even the wind, and the wind is even clear and unbearable to her. If the wind is really distressed and the wind is clear, it will not let the wind clear. Marry such a girl.

She is really afraid... He Lianyue will come to look for the wind and say it, the wind is like a slap in the face, and even the life of Qing Gongzi is ruined.


The wind is casually pointing to the table: "You continue to say."

He Lianyue saw the wind as if he had no words, but he was angry with himself. His heart was happy and his courage was a lot bigger.

"Wind girl, I told me some time ago that the lady of the General's office is extraordinary and talented, but I am too simple, thinking that she is talking about wind-up clothes. Now think about it, the wind jumpsuit is only called The girl, who was never the general of the generals, but the moon is also true. The general thought about the girl for a long time. She had already recognized the girl who did not say it, and the girl who was almost harmed was killed by the traitor..."

He Lian's brows were lightly wrinkled, and the wind was like a wind.

Even if her words are against the irons of He Lianyue, she said that she completely sold her out.

There was a glimpse of the wind in the eyes: "I also knew the relationship between me and the world on the same day. Why did Helian know it?"

He Lian smiled and smiled: "The wind girl is so graceful that she is exactly the same as the general, but anyone who is not a fool can see it."

Turbulent, the wind is like a smile.

Her smile has an unseen light.

"Okay, you all come out."

He Lian greeted a strange, soaring head, but after she saw a few people coming out of the room, her face suddenly froze, and suddenly became pale and colorless.

Even the Qing son... Helian Yue?

and also……


Why are they here?

The wind is like a smile: "When my grandfather just came back, your grandfather came to him to drink tea. Yueer and Lianqing went to the gate of the city to receive me, so they stayed in this general..."

Herlian's body trembled fiercely, and she stepped back a few steps, and the fear in her eyes was even worse.

He Lianyue is here, even Qing Gongzi... Shouldn’t he handle some political affairs for the general in the study?

(End of this chapter)

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