The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1700: The death of Helian Ying (2)

Chapter 1700 The Death of Helian Ying (2)

The wind turned like a face, and a finger flicked, and a spiritual force directly shot down the dagger in the hands of Helian.

The dagger in Helian’s hand trembled and landed on the ground, making a whistling sound.

The courtyard of the General's House is quiet.

Quiet without any sound.

He Lianyue was also scared, and she stopped and stared at Helian Ying, who was pale in front of her face.

He Lian screamed at the lips and stared at the wind with resentful eyes.

If the gaze can become a dagger, the wind will be smashed for a long time.

"How dare you!" Helen's father violently raged, and his fist fell on the chest of Helian Ying.

He Lian hurried back a few steps, wandering on the ground, a blood spurted out, her mouth was hanging with a cool and ironic arc.

It’s a pity that I thought she could drag a Helian month as a cushion, and she was saved.

The wind went to the face of He Lian Ying in a blank expression, and bent down to pick up the dagger that fell on the ground. She pointed the dagger to the chest of He Lian Ying...

He Lian Ying felt the chill, her body trembled, and she subconsciously wanted to move backwards.

The wind did not give her a chance, and the finger pressed hard, and the dagger screamed and pierced her chest.

Blood drenched from her chest, dyed red, and her eyes widened and she died.

The old man of Helian trembled and closed his eyes. He seemed to be unwilling to see this scene.

After the dagger was pulled out, the wind turned to face the old man of Helian: "For those who only have revenge in their hearts, either she is dead or she is dead, there is no third choice, no matter how others choose, but I will only let Helian live, so she must die!"

The situation of Helian Ying and Duan Qiong is still different.

She can leave Duan Qiong’s life. There is no revenge in Duan Qiong’s heart, but he must repent for his life, so he can only live.

But He Lian Ying...

If she is alive, she will inevitably revenge for Herlian.

Therefore, among them, only one person is destined to survive.

Father Helen did not speak for a long time.

It’s a good person who raised a young man, that is, he has a feeling of being a cat and a dog. Now that he is dead, he can’t have any feelings.

But the father is not a confused person. He knows that the wind is telling the truth. He Lianyue and He Lianying are two sisters, and they are destined to die.

In this way, he naturally hopes that he can live is Helianyue, not to mention that Helian Ying first murdered.

"My granddaughter said that there is nothing wrong with it," Tianya slowly stepped forward, in a red dress, domineering and arrogant, "What about raising a child from a young age? The wind and the woman who dared to move my granddaughter, I can't wait to kill myself." She! It’s still a matter of sorrow and sorrow. In addition, the wrong thing is He Lian Ying, she is too extreme, otherwise it will not fall so badly.”

Master Helen sighed and smiled bitterly: "I understand all these reasons. I can't bear to start. Some people can do it. She has the ending today. It is really self-sufficient and can't blame anyone."

"You can think like this, and your son should also give a good lesson. How can he throw Helen to Yue Qin to take care of himself? Is he acting like a father? Because he does not have With strict discipline, Helian Ying will be in such a position."

(End of this chapter)

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