The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1709: The son is coming (5)

Chapter 1709, the son is born (5)

"When she went to the mainland of the moon, because of your relationship with the half-orcs, it attracted countless people to hunt down. Fortunately, the Tang family passed by and saved you."

Tang Yin’s body trembled: “Chasing us? Who is the person who chased me?”

"Duan Jia, your biological grandfather, and the little sister of your father."

The wind did not choose to conceal Tang Yin, she is qualified to know everything.

Tang Yin slowly closed his eyes...

Before she knew this, she enjoyed her father's love. Even if the Tang family died early, at least let him enjoy it.

She has never seen her mother. The Tang family’s sister also told her that her mother loves her very much, so she always feels very happy.

The old men of the Tang family... are also good for her. Except for the elders and the elders, others are full of thoughts, but no one really hurt her.

Except later...

Not only did they want to use him, but also ignored her happiness and hurt her favorite woman. She chose the little dumping and abandoned the entire Tang family.


The mother loves her, as Tang Jiaxuan said, her mother loves her very much.

But her father...and the so-called biological grandfather...

Ha ha……

This incident made her really unacceptable.

"Small dumping, I don't know what kind of section, don't give me a paragraph, I don't recognize it, my only one is Tang Jiaxuan! There will be no other people! I am very stingy, really, I don't like them."

Choosing to give up her, she will not forgive her life!

"Do not worry," the wind raised his hand and hugged Tang Yin. "The Duan family is no longer there."

"Oh, all right."

What is the relationship between her and Duan’s family? She has never touched the people of Duanjia, and she has no feelings, so she will not have any harm for the family.

When the Tang family disappeared, she was still sad for a while, but the Tang family was looking for herself, hurting Xiao’s mother, she could not forgive!

It’s just the Tang family, there are too many memories of her, she is not a hard-hearted person, naturally she will be reluctant...

"South String, I am sleepy," the wind yawned. "I have finished talking about it, let their mother and daughter get along with each other, let's go."


The South String faintly responded, and he walked slowly to the side of the wind, holding her waist.

Of course, today's wind is like a slap... There is no waist at all.

"South String, you said this in the belly, is it a man or a woman?" The wind is like a pair of eyes. "If it is a cute and obedient girl, I will stay with me, if it is a kid... Wait for him to walk." So, let him go out alone, is it good?"

"Okay, listen to you."

Nanxian looked at the windy belly, and the cold eyes flashed through the unidentified light.

Whether it is a man or a woman... he will not let them entangle themselves for a lifetime...


In the courtyard, suddenly quieted down.

Under the breeze, Xiaoya was stunned and squinted at her sleeves and looked at Tang Yin with her gaze.

Tang Yin is also somewhat silent. She is not very suitable for such occasions, and she does not know how to speak.

After a while, she asked: "Are you really my mother?"

Xiaoya nodded slightly and her look became more and more tense.

"Then I am really a half-orc?" Tang Yin bites his lip, his voice is crying.

(End of this chapter)

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